Tuesday 3 November 2020

Regain Control By Connecting With Your Self.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Regaining Control By Connecting With Your Self.

At a time of so much uncertainty at every level, the best place to be is on the axis of the spinning wheel of everything that is going on. It's the point of stability and is represented by your heart chakra.

Below, is a guided meditation to help place you at your axis, along with a guide to therapeutic head massage and how your brain is enhanced by your kundalini.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Indian Ayurvedic Head Massage With Warm Coconut Oil For Relaxation. 
'Shiro Abhyanga' or Indian therapeutic head massage is said to relieve headaches, insomnia and stress. Warm some coconut oil in a jar by immersing in warm water. Take a teaspoon of the warm oil and drop at the centre of scalp. Repeat, until oil begins to trickle down your face, then work oil into scalp  using the strokes shown in this video...  
Kundalini Awakens Your Brain's Dormant Powers. 
In the US, on college campuses, on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley, 'brain food' supplements, also known as 'nootropics', are what people are trying to power their way to success with - see the Bradley Cooper movie: Limitless.  Performance-enhancing drugs, generally, are not the way to go. Lucky for you, the following is what your kundalini is doing for you without you knowing it...
How To Awaken The Energy Of Your Heart - A Guided Meditation.
 When everything on the outside seems out of your control , a good way of regaining your balance and re-centering yourself is by 'going into' your heart. After you've done this, not only will you feel an increased clarity about things but also a sense of personal wholeness. Here's how to 'go into' your heart... 
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" First thing, you will become peaceful within. And as soon as you are peaceful you will start seeing everything in the proper perspective." 
Juhu, Mumbai (India), Thursday March 22nd 1984.
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

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