Monday 19 October 2020

Succeed By Being An Early Riser.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Succeeding By Getting Up Earlier In The Morning.

If you really want some head space, the trick may be to get up in the morning before anyone else. When the world is still quiet, you may be surprised at the serenity and clarity you can experience.

It's like driving along the motorway without any other traffic. You get to your destination faster. 

Below, there's a guided meditation to help you touch your inner 'early morning' silence.

Also checkout how to use candle light to chase your blues away and get the low-down on how reincarnation happens. 


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
You are the reason why your parents had to meet. Do our parents choose (to have ) us or do we choose our parents? Which sounds like a dumb question until you entertain the possibility that we have a pre-life existence. If you've never believed in reincarnation then read this; it could change your mind...  
How to use candle light and fragrance to lift your mood.  According to a Professor of medical clinical psychology, writing in the New York Times, he is seeing the direct effect on our mental health of the the times we're all living through. Social isolation, apparently, can be just as detrimental, as having something physical happening to us. For some self-care, put a few drops of lavendar in an oil burner and try this Sahaja yoga 'Candle Treatment'...  
When you need to make a change, why getting up before dawn will help you to achieve it.. While the rest of us are still tucked up in our duvet, some of the captains of industry, top athletes and successful creatives are using that special quiet time before dawn, when the day is full of potential, to forge their path to greater heights. The ancient yogis of India have called that pre-dawn time 'Brahma Muhurta'. The essence of it is contained in the following meditation...
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