Monday 9 November 2020

Get This One Thing, And Everything Else Follows.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Achieve This One Goal, And All Your Other Goals Are Achieved Automatically.

According to Indian philosophy there are 4 goals of human life: Kama (love) , Artha (wealth), Dharma (purpose), Moksha ( spiritual liberation). 

The first 3 goals are relatable, because virtually the whole world and it's aunty and uncle are running after them . They're a version of what Abraham Maslow tried to show with his hierarchy of needs.

Kundalini awakening, which is the first step towards Moksha, seems to turn Maslow's hierarchy upside down, because, suddenly the first 3 goals start falling into place. How? See below.

Also below : a home remedy you should know about and a meditation for growing your own 'money tree' - sort of.


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
If You Suspect You've Caught Covid ,Then Use This Remedy Straightaway.
 There's an unconfirmed report from a while back that the people in Wuhan gave up on going to the doctor's on catching covid. Instead, they would treat themselves at home with a range of 'traditional chinese medicine'. A remedy that seems to have spread far and wide is the 'face steam', with or without essential oils . Here's a 2 min demo.
Mp3 Meditation On Your Phone - Click To Download.
If there's one chakra especially that you have to look after in these times of economic pressures, then it's your nabhi chakra /stomach which is the centre of your prosperity and peace. The following is a powerful 'bija' (seed) meditation for your nabhi, that uses sanskrit 'japa' (repetition) which you'll be able to feel. With regular listening, it's the closest there is to growing your own money tree. 
Achieve This One Goal And All Your Other Goals Happen Automatically.
Maslow's Pyramid says that human needs are progressive: only after we've achieved a lower goal do we aspire to the next one up. The journey could be a life-time, with no guarantee of reaching the top. Here's how you can cut to the chase...
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Quote of the Week
 “When the yoga takes place, means when the Kundalini pierces through fontanelle bone area, [she] looks after your well-being.” 
Monday, October 27th , 1980, Caxton Hall, London (England)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

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