Monday 16 November 2020

For Love & Money - Your Heart & Nabhi Chakra.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

For Love And Money - Your Heart & Nabhi Chakras.

Be the change you want to see. Most people agree with some version of the idea that inner improvement can lead to outer success. But a 'road map' from one to the other is not always clear. With your practice of sahaja yoga meditation, however, there's complete clarity .It's been the experience of many, how meditating on specific chakras will 'blossom' them and lead to specific outcomes in day-to-day life. Try with the guided meditation given below.

Also below, the extraordinary health benefits of putting oil in your belly button before bedtime. And, finding the magic loophole out of a difficult situation. 


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
These Are The Benefits Of Applying 3 Drops Of Oil To Your Belly Button Nightly.
In Ayurvedic medicine, the navel is a 'marma' or 'vital point' and it's said that 72,000 'nadis' or channels radiate out from there to the whole body. When certain oils are placed there it can have a tremendous therapeutic effect on different parts of the body. Here are the oils , and what each does.
Between A Rock & A Hard Place: How To Get Out Of Difficult Circumstances.
When you have a VR (Virtual Reality) headset on and are battling dragons and alien monsters , you know it's not real. But your mind is a 'VR headset' you're wearing all the time and the worries and anxieties, like the dragons and aliens, may seem so, so real. Here's how your kundalini helps you to take that headset off. 
For Love & Money : A Guided Meditation On Heart & Nabhi Chakras.
You may navigate your way through life with your head but on a certain level we remain as instinctual as when we were babies . And so the surer guide is to feel your way through, according to what your heart and your gut is telling you. The road to satisfaction is through your stomach. Here's a guided meditation to speed things up.
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Quote of the Week
" By this, your health improves, no doubt.   Also, your wealth improves.  How?  Because your attention becomes very sharp .  It becomes very concentrated.  And you exactly know what is to be done, where, what to do.  Automatically everything works out…because also you are connected to this all-pervading power, which is so powerful that you are looked after. "
Monday, October 28th , 1996, Cairo (Egypt)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

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