Tuesday 9 June 2020

Becoming Who You Really Are Through Meditative Self-Integration.

Below:  1. The Apollo Theatre - Harlem, NYC's famous music venue hosts a special guest.  2. Raising your spirits - the uses of candle-light.   3. Get your heart, head and attention in one place with this guided meditation.

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

" I bow to all the seekers of Truth[...]. Now, the truth is that there is an All-pervading power of God’s love which does all the living work in this Universe. The second truth is that we are not this body, mind, this intellect or this ego or conditionings but we are the pure Spirit. When the Kundalini rises through these six centers it of course, integrates your being. That is, there’s no quarrel between your mind, your heart and your attention. You become completely integrated and so empowered that you can enjoy their integration. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, March 3rd 1992, Sydney(Australia).

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