Sunday 21 June 2020

How To Never Grow Old Or Get Sick (Eventually)

Below:  1. Work, money, health and relationships; if you worry about these then you're not alone. This meditation could help.   2. Feet first: this simple practice helps with insomnia, stress, and inflammation amongst other things.       3. Youthful longevity: Is Science catching up with the kundalini?

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"Shri Mataji: The Sahaja Samadhi, this is Sahaja Samadhi, according to him (the Indian astrologer, Acharya Bhujandar)...Among millions, first one will get Realization. So you understand your own positions. You see, the way sometimes we flitter(sic) away our attention in nonsensical things, you realize that among millions you are one. This is written here. We flitter away our attention in useless things...So it is written here that among millions one will be selected. Do you follow that point? ...Then the, all the human race can get over their death or their destruction by this Yoga... Then all your diseases will disappear so fast with this Yoga that you won’t need anything like a hospital.. .
Shri Mataji: Like the Ardhanari Nateshwara( similar to yin yang) is the Shiva that will be the state of human beings. Their old age will disappear, their body will remain as it is and they will have a body which is divine. What a promise! . [Laughter]
Shri Mataji translating text of the 14,000 year old prophecy of Indian astrologer, Acharya Bhujandar, 30th January 1982, Sholapur (India).

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