Monday 15 June 2020

How To Rid Your Home Of Negative Vibes ...With A Lemon.

Below: 1. Kundalini 'reset' after lockdown? The people in Singapore may have it sussed.   2. Let your heart rule your head and make things happen - a guided meditation.   3. The mighty lemon: letting light and good vibes flow into the place you live. 

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Join the online Monday evening group meditation that begins at 7:30pm  and if you miss it, there's a live, internationally-hosted meditation straight to your phone every weekday at 7pm here .  

"Now lemon has a coefficience. Now you know that we have cured many people with lemon and chillies, of their mental problems. We have seen it. So we have vibrated lemon and chillies, and you have got and put them in the water. Now what happens [is] the lemon and chillies have a capacity, have a capacity, to suck my vibrations, or suck the vibrated water into themselves, as vibrated ones. They become vibrated themselves, what is called as jagrut — they become awakened. So in the night, when you open them, the vibrations travel out and create an atmosphere in which you start becoming one with your centre, and you lose your left and right side movement and you become the sane one, you can say, because you have taken away from the left and right, and you come in the centre.
The question is whether the thing has got vibrations or not, like this. What is vibrations? Is the Brahma. Is the Divine Power of God, is the Divine Power all around you. Now this Divine Power is in everything, but is not under your control, as yet; you have not touched it. Once you are awakened you touch it, you awaken that in everything. Once you awaken that, then you start feeling the vibrations. Say I have stayed this house, in this place, even on the seat, anybody who is sensitive Sahaj Yogi will know where Mother has put (been). 
Certain things have greater capacity to absorb vibrations. This has been discovered in the ancient times by many seers. All these techniques that we are using are not necessarily all mine — they have been already seen by many ancient seers who have seen it.
So, to understand Sahaj Yog, one has to know that there is a power, Divine Power, which acts, which works out. And now you have become a medium of that power. That’s how you have become samartha (समर्थ — powerful). Samartha also means strong, powerful, independent. But samartha also means ‘equal to your name’. "  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, January 24th 1982, Lonavala (India).
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