Monday 19 February 2018

How To Get Freedom.

Dear All,
If the scene above on the left is familiar to you, then why not break free one day a week and walk. Here's how this relates to your meditation goal.

As we form mental habits(conditionings) this shows up as the tendency to run our life on repeat: we take the same route; we sit in the same place and we eat the same lunch. If you're looking for some positive, life-enhancing change, then this is probably not the best starting point.

By the simple gesture of making a slight change to a routine - especially a routine that is forced on you, like the commute to & from work- not only are you reasserting your self-determination but you are also taking one small step out of the rut, if you feel you are in one.

This, in a nutshell, is the transformative potential of achieving your thoughtless awareness even for a few seconds at a time, wherever you are: It will lift you out of the mental conditionings that have solidified as limiting life circumstances, and set you free.

Below is a reminder of the best posture for meditating.

See you at group meditation in tomorrow.


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