Monday 26 February 2018

Finding Your Inner Sunshine.

Dear All,
Find your inner sunshine. If you've ever spent time in a warm climate then you know how upbeat and outgoing the people there generally are because of the weather.

The warmth of the sun really does lift the mood and raise your energy levels. To counter the effects of this cold snap we're having, below is an easy guide to doing  a 5 minute 'surya namaskar' ('sun salutation') to put the spring back into your step as you leave for work in the morning.

If you're out of practice of doing hatha yoga, and the leg movement in surya namaskar may be too much of a stretch for you , then do what I do, which is to just sit and navel gaze for 5 minutes instead. There's a good reason why it's called the solar plexus and the meditation and kundalini's action have a more powerful effect (described here).

Of course, you can do both.

​See you at group meditation in tomorrow.

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