Wednesday 7 February 2018

Easy Kundalini Meditation For Everyone.

Hi, and thanks for coming to the session of sahaja yoga meditation on Tuesday. You can begin to feel the extraordinary benefits of the meditation even after just 1 week of practice, so to help get you started, below are 3 free guided meditation tracks that you can download to your phone.
Track 1
Track 2

Track 3

At the start of your meditation practice, you may feel a little warmth or tingling on some of the fingers or above the head. This is part of the kundalini's cleansing action of your subtle system. After a while, you'll experience a more cool pleasant sensation.

To make the cleansing process faster, it is recommended that you have in front of you the meditation photo from the meeting - place in a glass frame- and a candle. The photo along with candle also supports your meditation by providing a powerful source of vibes which you'll be able to feel for yourself.

Ten minutes of meditation is sufficient (morning & evening) and your session can begin and end with 'raising of the kundalini and putting on a bandhan' as we did at the Tuesday session. Click here for demo.

Remember that the meditation is just sitting still with your eyes closed and paying full attention to the space above your head until you feel the sensation of the kundalini as a 'cool breeze' above the head and on your open palms.

The benefits of sahaja yoga meditation have been proven by scientific research which you can view by clicking here.

Although the knowledge of sahaja yoga is deep, it can easily be picked up and mastered by meditating regularly at home and at the group meditation sessions whenever you can make it (& weekly information emails). Soon you'll be able to share the benefits with your friends and family.

Below is the subtle system chart showing where the energy centres are and click here for a short animation of the rising kundalini.

If you have any questions about anything then just email me or let's chat at the group meditation session.
Download those tracks and happy meditating!

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