Monday 3 October 2016

3 free guided meditations to download to your phone

Dear All,

Below are links to 3 guided meditations (mp3) that you can download for free to your phone and listen to during the day when you get 10 minutes to yourself. You'll feel great afterwards.
Each of the meditations are different. Listen to all 3 but they have the different purposes/effects described.

  1. If you still can't feel your own kundalini energy as a cool breeze on the hands and above your head when you sit down for meditation, then Click here to listen to/ download a guided meditation for kundalini awakening (use with meditation photo).
  2. If you can feel something, maybe a tingling on the fingers, maybe a little heat, then you need to pay some attention to your chakras.Click here to listen to/download meditation with mantras track for the chakras.
  3. If you can feel your chakras and want to see if you can feel the petals on those chakras(some people are able to develop great sensitivity), then try listening to the 'bija mantras' - seed sounds on the chakras created by spiral movement of the kundalini from sacrum at base of spine to fontanelle at top of your head.Click here to listen to/download bija mantra meditation.
For academic interest only, the seed sounds(bijas) are shown on the book page below. These sounds form the alphabet of the sanskrit language. In India, sanskrit script is referred to as 'devnagri' (meaning, 'language spoken by the gods').

See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

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