Monday, 17 October 2016

Transformative power of meditation - the 5 elements.

Dear All,
The table below shows some of the noticeable effects the meditation can make to your appearance. Usually, it's your friends and family that notice it first. In some people it can take a short time, in some people it can take a longer time. It depends on how regular you are in your meditation. And it all comes about through break down of vibes within you  into the 5 elements of which they are formed(Light, Air, Water, Fire, Earth).

A quick explanation about 'amaa' in 4th line of the table. According to Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine), the food we eat and the strength of our 'digestive fire' is very important to maintaining our health. Ideally, we should all eat according to the capacity of our digestive fire to transform the food into life-sustaining 'Ojas' .

Where this transformation does not fully take place, it may be eliminated from the body but could leave a residue which is referred to as 'amaa', which is said to be the source of illness, dullness, lack of energy, chronic fatigue etc.
(This is probably the reason for the advice to avoid eating large meals before going to bed when digestive fire is weakest. And making the mid-day meal the largest because that is when the digestive fire is strongest)

Through regular sahaja yoga meditation, the 'silent fire' within us is strengthed, which may explain how health is improved and maintained.

More explanation given in the 7 minute clip : How effects of meditation can show on the face.

Element Sanskrit Effects
Light Tej Radiance of skin
Air Vayu Feeling of 'cool breeze'
Water Jal Emollience – softness of skin
Fire Agni 'Silent fire' burns off 'ama' to sustain health
Earth Bhumi Subtle fragrance/gravity

See you at group meditation tomorrow.
Previous related email: Nourishing yourself through your meditation - the 5 nectars.

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