Monday, 26 September 2016

How to make progress in your meditation.

​Dear All,

The simple way to make progress in your meditation, and really begin to notice how the peace you feel spreads into other areas of your life, is to understand your own kundalini better.

This 5 minute video clip 'How the kundalini works - your eyes start shining'  is a good start.

If you can achieve a rapport with your own kundalini at the beginning of your meditation by communicating with her then she seems to respond by sending more strands of energy through the central channel.

This can be felt as a deep pleasant  inner coolness in the pit of the stomach that moves to the chest , throat and then top of the head. As a result, your meditation becomes deeper and the connection to your source is strengthened.

Then you'll notice the 'Flow' in your day-to-day life; how you feel better in everyway; and how small and big problems get solved automatically.

It's a fact of existence that things that don't grow, will instead decay. Applied to your meditation, steady progress prevents the sameness of experience ( or non-experience) that leads to quitting before you've struck the gold that is there within you :o).

See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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