Tuesday 11 October 2016

How to decode your fingers for better health & well-being.

​Dear All,
With regular meditation, it's possible to improve your health and well-being by understanding the sensations of heat and tingling felt on the fingers. The two photos below give an easy explanation. The attachments(photos) can be printed off and placed where you meditate to help you with the decoding of your fingers.

The photos show on each hand what the usual cause of a 'catch' is. For example, if you can feel a heat or tingling sensation on the right thumb (right swadisthana chakra), then perhaps you have the tendency to over-think or over-analyse. Use of the ice-pack on the liver can help.

Your fingers are like an early-warning system because they are linked to the chakras and the chakras are linked to the organs of the body. You can 'clear' a chakra even by rubbing the corresponding finger until heat and tingling disappear and you get a cool sensation instead.

The video clip self-diagnosing through vibrational awareness gives you more knowledge about this.
See you at group meditation tomorrow.

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