Monday, 10 February 2025

The Only Way is Up. How Your Problems Can Solve Themselves.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

The Only Way is Up. How Your Problems Can Solve Themselves.

Dear Friend,

Have you had a dream recently in which you were being chased?

One of the most commonest type of dreams people have, apparently,  is of being chased.

What this symbolises, according to dream analysis, is some anxiety, fear or problem that you're trying to run away from.

As this thing that was chasing you quickly caught up, you realised there was no escape. Then you woke up with relief. It had all been imaginary.

But there are levels of 'imaginary'. 

What seems real in a dream becomes 'imaginary' (solved) when you wake. Also what seems real in waking consciousness ie. your problems, become 'imaginary' (solved) in a higher state of consciousness.

That higher state of consciousness in Sanskrit is 'Turiya'. 

This is the state beyond thinking, that your kundalini is trying to acquaint you with every time you sit in meditation.

So when you're worried, anxious about something or have a problem, then meditate to allow the problem to solve itself. The only way is up. More below.

Also below: Oliver Velez on the power of not thinking when trading the financial markets; and, how to use the mirroring technique in meditation.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 12th February - Full Moon (Early to bed); Sun. 16th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Difficult problem easily solved).

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How to Increase Your Skill at Anything By Learning Not To Think  - A Financial Trader's Perspective.
Sometimes you need to hear a truth from another source in order to better appreciate it. The dude shown is Oliver Velez, a famous American financial trader, and , as far as I'm aware, not a Sahaja yogi. However, in this short, insightful video , he breaks down what it is that separates a successful trader from an unsuccessful one. You'll begin to recognise it as you listen...
Mirror, Mirror - 7 Minute Meditation to Enhance Your Kundalini's  Reflection.
The better the reflection, the stronger your kundalini's transformative effect on your wellbeing. You can get a better reflection using a 'perfect mirror'. Try it now by keeping your eyes open; your palms open and watching Shri Mataji in meditation for 7 minutes...
The Only Way is Up - Walking Through the Door of Possibilities.
There's a plane of awareness ('Pragya loka') where possibilities seem to open up. These are expressed by the strange but helpful coincidences many people have experienced in Sahaja yoga. Some of these experiences could even be described as miracles; llke the 3 examples here...
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Quote of the Week
"By thinking you do not live. A living process is different from thinking. Thinking is dead. 
It is beyond thought that you achieve this power.
It’s a state where you are beyond your mind. It just starts flowing through you and it relates to you beyond your thought."

March 31st 1981, Talkback Radio 2UE, Sydney (Australia).

When I meditate I can feel a tingling on my right little finger. What's that and how can I make it go away?
In Reply:

As you know, there's a correspondence between your fingers and your chakras.

Your right little finger corresponds to your right heart chakra.

Your right heart chakra relates to your father, and your relationship with him.

If there's any disturbance or disagreement in that relationship, it can cause a 'catch' - the tingling you're feeling - on your right little finger.

To clear it, you can rub your finger and give your father a bandhan.

To get familiar with this form of self-care, take a look at Finger Physician.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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