Monday, 24 February 2025

It's the Way You Look at It. How Positive Thinking Helps You.


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It's the Way You Look at It. How Positive Thinking Helps You.

Dear Friend,

When faced with a situation, do you always think that the worst is going to happen?

This mental habit is called catastrophising or catastrophic thinking and is the basis of every-day anxiety.

It's more common than you might assume and can affect a person's overall mental health (see BBC website - Catastrophising: How toxic thinking leads you down dark paths.)

The result of this habit of thinking is that it usually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and reinforces the catastrophising.

So what can you do if you're affected by this?

The obvious answer is to deliberately beat back the negative thinking with positive thinking. You could, for example, use affirmations.

The all-time best book on affirmations is probably Louise Hay's : You Can Heal your Life, which you can read free from cover to cover here.

With your daily kundalini meditation your affirmations have an added power, and so does the effect of your positive thinking. More below.

Also below: The medicine in  melody - a healing raga to listen to; and, filling your tank up with fuel - a meditation on your Nabhi chakra.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon.24th February -  Ekadashi (Win by getting rid of something); Wed. 26th - Maha Shivaratri (Your wealth is you Spirit); Thurs. 27th - New moon (New beginnings).

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Music Therapy - Listening To This Melody (Raga) Between 2pm - 4pm Can Lower Your Blood Pressure.
This biological clock chart shows the peaks and troughs of your body's internal rhythms in a 24-hour period. A raga is time-of-day based ('Samaya'). The therapeutic power of Indian classical music may be due to this connection. See for yourself by listening to Raga Bhimpalasi by Kishori Amonkar....  
Sun Burst - Increase Your Energy & Vitality With This Meditation on Your Solar Plexus (Nabhi Chakra) .
Low energy sucks the fun out of life. It's your store of vibes that gives you the get-up-and-go. That 'store' is in your Nabhi chakra or Solar plexus. Use this short meditation to draw down the sun...
How Positive Thinking Helps You.
Negative or catastrophic thinking is focusing on your perceived inability to meet a challenge. Positive thinking, according to Sahaja yoga, is mentally reinforcing the truth that the universe has got your back. The reason this is so is because of your state of 'yoga' ( your kundalini connection with the all-pervading energy of existence). Here's how this helps you...
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Quote of the Week
" So you tell your brain:  “But why, why did you think like that? Now will you stop thinking about these things on these lines? Let us think of the positive thinking!”
Now positive thinking is nothing but is  a thinking — as according to Sahaj Yoga, it’s not aggressive thinking; but it means that a thinking which helps to manifest the Divine (expressed as positive outcome).
That is what is positive thinking. And the result of that is that your nerves start opening out, and you start feeling the manifestation of Divine Power (Vibes) in your fingers, in your being. "

March 4th 1983,  Adelaide (Australia).

Does the kundalini flow easier in children? I felt cool breeze on top of my little niece's head, even though I've never mentioned the kundalini.
In Reply:

Yes, the kundalini does flow easier in children.

This is because they have a relatively clear agnya chakra (mental simplicity).

Some children too are 'born-realised', meaning their kundalini is already awakened at birth.

Children like that sometimes become prodigies. A famous example being Mozart, who composed his first symphony at age eight.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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