Monday, 17 February 2025

"And They Lived Happily Ever After". How To Do A Compatibility Check.


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"And They Lived Happily Ever After". How To Do A Compatibility Check.

Dear Friend,

By now you may be basking in the warm after-glow of Valentine's day just gone.

To give you some insight into how things are likely to develop, understanding a little bit about Attachment Theory could be useful to you.

If you haven't already come across this piece of pop psychology, here it is in a nutshell.

The kind of relationship you tend to form with a significant other when you are an adult, is strongly influenced by the kind of relationship you had with your parents or primary care-giver when you were a baby.

This defines your 'Attachment style' . Four kinds of attachment style have been identified. These are : 1. Secure, 2. Anxious, 3. Avoidant, 4. Disorganized.

No prize for guessing which of these styles is the ideal. But life isn't perfect (yet) and there may be many happy unions between the Anxious and the Avoidant or Disorganized.

To see how that might work out, you could skim read this popular book on the topic : Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment - Amir Levine M.D and Rachel Heller M.A

Or, you could just use your vibes to do a compatibility check . More below.

Also below: An exercise for brightening your eyes with candle light; and, giving yourself a reason to jump for joy.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed.19th February - Saptami (Lucky 7th - things work out); Fri. 21st - Navami (You're protected).

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Trataka - How to Improve Your Eye-Sight, Sleep & Focus with Candle Light.
3  minutes of unblinking gaze at a candle flame can do wonders for your eye-sight. It can also improve your sleep and help your mental clarity. The Sahaj variation on this ancient yogic practice can also clear your back agnya chakra (inertia / emotional drag). Here's a quick demo...
Jump4Joy - Lifting Your Mood with a Meditation on Your Ida Nadi.
Your 'Ida Nadi' is your left channel; the channel of your emotions. When the vibes aren't flowing in your left, usually because of stress, overthinking or over-work, then your capacity for spontaneity and joy is reduced. Your mood is not great. Switch things up and lift your mood with this short meditation on your ida nadi.
Vibes Don't Lie - How To Do a Compatibility Check .
As a result of your kundalini awakening and daily meditation, you become sensitive to the vibes of things. The more you experiment with it, the more confident you become that what you're feeling is the truth. You can try it now by bringing someone to mind and noticing what vibes you get on your hands. The photo just shows the extremes of a spectrum of personality types. Most people are more balanced. Here's more reason to use your vibes...
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Quote of the Week
" Once the truth (vibes) manifests in you and you feel it flowing through your hands, you come to understand your true Self. You also get to know others as well through that truth. So you see, the truth and chitta (your awareness / attention) now become one. There is no difference between them. Your chitta is the truth and truth is the chitta because if you ask any question, your chitta has the answer to it. They start to differ when you start thinking for no reason.

Whenever you are faced with any question, you need to ask if that is the truth or not. But you need to ask the right questions.
 Did you check your vibrations? Did you give vibrations to the problem? Use all these tools and see how things work out. "

December 18th 1977, Mumbai (India).

Could you please repost the link to the guide for improving the chakras?
In Reply:

Sure. Here it is : Wellbeing from looking after your inner self.
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