Monday, 9 December 2024

Superhumans Coming? How You're Really Meant To Function.


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Superhumans Coming? How You're Really Meant To Function.

Dear Friend,

There's more to you than meets the eye. Here's why.

Nessa Carey is a renowned British molecular biologist and the author of two books: Junk DNA and The Epigenetics Revolution, which reveal our human potential at a biological level.

DNA is the software code that runs the body (hardware). Junk DNA is that portion of DNA that doesn't appear to do anything (non-coding).

The only thing though is that Junk DNA represents 98% of total DNA, meaning that it's just 2% that Science understands the function for.

Now throw in the concept of Epigenetics. It used to be thought that our biological traits were fixed because they were determined by DNA.

But it turns out, according to epigenetics, that your DNA can 'change', meaning that your biological template can also change.

DNA 'changes'  according to the gene's for one or the other biological characteristics being 'switched on' or 'switched off'.

This can affect things like the chances of developing Alzheimer's in later life, your mental and physical health and your longevity.

Buried in the Junk DNA may be all the possible instructions for 'changing' the DNA through epigenetic triggers.

Epigenetic triggers are environmental and behavioural and can include atmospheric pollution and a habitual activity like daily meditation.

So when ancient kundalini texts talk about human beings no longer ageing or getting sick, there's a real biological basis for that.

This is why the epigenetic trigger of meditation should be as easy and as effortless as breathing ('Sahaja').

Superhumans are coming. More below.

Also below: a slide-show of The Kundalini in art; and, a meditation for 'don't worry; be happy'.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 9th Dec. - Navami (Who dares, wins!); Wed. 11th - Ekadashi (Overcoming limitations); Sun. 15th - Purnima (Early to bed).

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Tongues of Cool & Silent Flames - The Kundalini in Art (Click for Slide-Show).
The Kundalini  has been described as the 'cool flames' that burns away impurities. This is how she heals and transforms both your experience of yourself and your experience of life in general. Here's a slide-show of various depictions of the Kundalini in art. 
Carefree-living: Making Your Worries Go Away (a Meditation).
One of the pieces of advice given on the NHS webpage about managing worry, is to set aside some 'worry time' everyday. But if you're going to do that, then why not spend that time meditating on the problem instead? There are some things that thinking can't fix but meditation (non-thinking) will. Try with this short guided meditation...
Superhumans Coming. How You're Really Meant To Function.
As the process of digesting your food is autonomous (ie. you don't have to think about it for it to happen), so will your state of 'Sahaja'. You won't have to do anything because your kundalini's connection to the 'paramchaitanya' will be sustained and continuous. How quickly you get to that state depends on you. Start with this...
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Quote of the Week

"Within us lies the living process [kundalini] for union with the Divine. Just as we have evolved from amoeba to human beings, now we have to evolve from  human beings to superhuman beings;  and that also, through this same living process. There is no artificiality in this, no word trap, no exercise required, no standing on your head; no need to wear saffron clothes, or to live like an ascetic.  This is an internal process. Like if you want to sprout seeds, you have to put them in Mother Earth. Then they will sprout very quickly and spontaneously. Can any of you explain this?" 

December 4th 1984, Pune (India).

I'm not good at open confrontation. Someone is trying to take advantage  of me and I'd like to tell them where to get off, but I'm too nice. What would be the 'Sahaja' approach?
In Reply:

Sarah Knight's book, 'F**k No!' is a good guide to everyday assertiveness. A sample read of it was featured in this newsletter earlier this year.

Also remember that a solid shoe-beating session can fix a lot of interpersonal issues.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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