Monday 3 June 2024

How You Know Something's True or Not. It's Not What You Think.


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How You Know Something's True or Not. It's Not What You Think.

Dear Friend,

If you were to stick your finger in a candle flame it would burn you no matter what football team you support. Or what political party you vote for.

Burning your finger is an experience on your central nervous system. Whereas the 'tribe' we choose to belong to or the beliefs we hold on to are based on stories in our heads.

We're making up stories all the time, about everything. Which is why we're not one with Reality. And Reality is an experience on your central nervous system.

The ability your Kundalini awakening gives you is the ability to feel more of Reality (vibes) and think less in stories.

Reality is the Truth. The stories are not.

This ability can help you make better choices and decisions. It can protect you from anxiety and depression. And help you live a generally happier life.

Also, in an age of Artificial intelligence, it can help you tell the difference between a Deepfake and the real deal. More below.

Also below: An interview with Dr. Rai at  a Kundalini clinic in India; and, a 'laughing' heart meditation for your health.  

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 4th June - Shivaratri (Joy of your spirit); Thurs. 6th - Amavasya / New Moon ( New beginnings); Sun. 9th - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Obstacles removed).

Photo Credit: Scarlett Johansson  - Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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People travel from all over the world to visit this small alternative health centre on the outskirts of Mumbai, that opened in 1996. The hospital diagnoses and prescribes treatments for a range of 'incurable' illnesses and diseases. The patient should have prior experience of Sahaja Yoga meditation. 
This Short Guided Meditation On Your 3 Hearts Is As Good For You As Laughing.
It's been said that laughter is the best medicine. But so is taking care of your heart. According to Sahaja Yoga, your heart has 7 auras surrounding it. These represent all the other chakras and organs. That is why the state of your heart chakras (left, right & centre) is so central to your overall wellbeing. 
How You Know Something's True or Not ('Atma Bodh'). 
This photo of the American actress, Scarlett Johansson, is real, as far as I know. But her voice in OpenAI's GPT-4o personal assistant was not. But who knew until she complained. AI Deepfake is coming. If you want to be able to tell the difference between what's true and what's not, especially in the things that matter to you, then develop your 'Atma Bodh'. Here's what that is...
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Quote of the Week

"We live in a relative world. So when this subtle system works out and this power rises up and becomes one with this all pervading power, which  is the power which does all the living work. When [you ] get connected with this all pervading subtle power around [you], then [you ] know the absolute truth on [your] central nervous system. This is known in Sanskrit as a ‘Bodh’ [ the ability to feel the subtle essence of life - vibes] from where the word 'Buddha' has come."

April 20th 1994, Shih Chien Hall, Taipei (Taiwan).

"A friend of mine went on an Ayahuasca retreat and said they had an amazing spiritual experience. Why is it that I don't get that with my kundalini meditation practice? "
In Reply:

You're probably glad your kundalini meditation is not a psychedelic trip.

The 'experience' people get with Ayahuasca is a hallucination triggered by being forced into supra-conscious awareness (extreme right yogic channel ). This is not where you really want to go.

 If it makes somebody feel pleasantly warm and fuzzy afterwards and they describe it as a 'spiritual experience' then it's up to them.

Other kinds of drugs, including alcohol, can force a shift into the extreme left yogic channel ( collective subconscious), which again is not really where you want to be.

It's only the kundalini which is capable of the gradual  en masse shift into super-consciousness which lies on the central channel of evolution.

So although your kundalini meditation is not as sensational as a psychedelic trip, it's actually achieving something positive and real.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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