Monday 10 June 2024

You're Limitless Really. Keeping Your Battery Charged.


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You're Limitless Really. Keeping Your Battery Charged.

Dear Friend,

You have to admire some people. Here's the intro to Carol E. Reiley's wiki page which I happened to come across while taking an AI course by Andrew Ng, her husband.

Clearly, the more energy you have, the more things you can do!

But apart from making sure that you're eating right and getting enough sleep and exercise, there's little else most people can do to cultivate more energy.

Not you though. And here's why.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, the final product of the food we digest is called Ojas which is what gives us our 'life force'.

However according to yoga, when the kundalini is awakened then Ojas can also be drawn directly from Nature as Vibes.

When a stage is reached where the Sahasara chakra at the top of your head is permanently open, then the flow of Vibes and therefore the flow of Ojas becomes continuous.

Your 'battery' is always charged and you become limitless.

But, in the meantime, even a small step in this direction with your daily Kundalini meditation can make you almost as productive as Carol Reiley. More below. 

Also below: Why you might consider buying some Persian art to decorate your walls with; and, the art of conquering any difficulties you have. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 13th June  - Saptami (Your Lucky 7th day); Fri. 14th - Durgashtami (Conquer your fears); Sat. 15th - Navami (You're protected).


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Rumi was a 13th-century Persian Sufi poet, whose most famous work, Masnavi, has been read by millions. It has also been the inspiration for  a lot of classical Persian art. So if you want a visual reminder of what Sufism aspires to but which your Kundalini bestows on you easily -explained here in farsi by Iranian Sahaja yogi, Akbar Samii - then get one of these prints to hang on your wall. 
Don't Get Knocked Off Balance By Things. A Meditation For Inner Stillness & Mastery.
The practice of Sahaja yoga meditation is also the practice of mastering your life circumstances, no matter what's going on. Here's a meditation for making your 'centre of gravity' (Abdominal viscera / 'Bhavasagara'/ Void) strong so that nothing can knock you off balance... 
You're Limitless Really - Keeping Your Battery Charged. 
There are some people who seem able to party all night and still show up for work the next day. You don't have to be one of them to fully appreciate the value of being able to somehow tap into more energy. The key is your Sahasrara chakra. Here's how to 'drink heaven'...
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Quote of the Week

"We are exhausting our energy in different centers(chakras) and there is no way of bringing back energy to us. You have to get some method by which you get connected to the mains [Kundalini]. For example, if you are going by car, and your petrol is going to finish, then you’ll build up tension, normally. But supposing that you have a way of getting connected to the mains [Meditation ] and the energy flows within you all the time, you are inexhaustible. You are absolutely at peace."

January 28th 1980, Cowasji Jehangir Hall, Mumbai (India).

"I sing and sometimes I can feel my Kundalini come up when I'm singing. Why is that? "
In Reply:

The reason why you may sometimes feel your kundalini come up when you sing, is because the body itself is like a musical instrument (see diagram below) which can be 'out of tune' - unwell.

Your chakras are like the different notes on the scale. When you hit the right note it can resonate with a chakra, and trigger your kundalini's movement.

Indian classical music, specifically, the ragas ('flavours' of composition) is based on this correspondence. This gives it a therapeutic value that is missing from other types of music.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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