Monday, 25 March 2024

Your Way. How Finding Solutions Just Got Easier.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Way. How Finding Solutions Just Got Easier.

Dear Friend,

The other day I was helping someone find a bug in a piece of computer code they had written and the error message wasn't helping much.

So I suggested that they copy and paste the programming problem (what the code was supposed to do) into ChatGPT.

In less than 3 seconds, ChatGPT spat out the solution and we had the answer.

Why would anyone pay someone to write code when they can just get ChatGPT to do it?

And it's not only programming jobs that generative AI (ChatGPT and others) could take away. There's now a ChatGPT Store , where potentially in future, your boss could go to and buy some AI that does your job, whatever it is, better than you do.

If this information puts you off your dinner, you need not worry.

Before the robots fully take over, you've got a little something up your sleeve to keep you ahead of the curve.

With your daily Kundalini meditation you're enriching your connection to Mother Nature's 'ChatGPT Store'.  Finding life solutions in any scenario just gets easier. More below.

Also below: How to do a head massage that works on your whole body; and, looking after your heart with this simple meditation. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 28th March - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming Difficulty).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
This is just going to take you 5 minutes. You can use your bare fingers or add some oil. Your Sahasrara chakra at the top of your head is the integration of all the chakras in your body. So when you do this head massage, you're getting a total body workout. Done correctly, you do get the sensation of a lotus opening up above your head. Here's how...
Rest Beat - Improving Your Heart Health Without The Running.
The lower your heart rate, the healthier your heart. Elite runners can have a resting heart rate of as low as 40bpm (beats per minute). For the average person it's between 60-100bpm. Here's the scientific evidence of how your daily kundalini meditation lowers your heart rate and improves your cardiovascular health. Here's a short meditation on your heart to set you on course and put a smile of confidence on your face... 
Creative Focus  - How Finding Solutions Just Got Easier.
With daily meditation your Kundalini 'enlightens' your attention. When this attention is focused on anything that you want a solution to, your attention has a creative effect. It's not that you're intentionally or consciously doing anything. What is happening is that your Kundalini is tapping the source of everything ('Paramachaitanya'). Here's how to develop this power...
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Quote of the Week

"Now, this Sahaja is a very different system. You have to experiment and see for yourself. But the thing is: you must give it a chance. Your attention itself is now flooded with that light which is dynamic. [from Kundalini awakening]. Now, if anything comes in your attention [weighs on your mind or bothers you], you just connect your attention with the Divine attention [in meditation]. And then the whole mechanism will work out. As you have worked for your personal problem before, now the whole of it will work out and it will happen. It’s such a wonderful thing."

February 20th 1978,  London (England).

" When I've had a disagreement with somebody about something, I feel my kundalini stuck in my forehead. How do I get past it ?"
In Reply:

That's probably because you're replaying the incident on repeat in your head which is blocking you're Agnya chakra.

This is why your kundalini is stuck there.

There are 3 things you can do to try to clear it.
  • Massage the centre of your forehead gently with your right ring finger in a clockwise direction until the tension goes away.
  • Gaze at the corresponding point on your meditation photo through a candle flame for about 3 minutes.
  • Simply repeat the affirmation : "I forgive" a few times.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

Monday, 18 March 2024

Face On. Beating Your Personal Limitations.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Face On. Beating Your Personal Limitations.

Dear Friend,

Sometimes our face says it all. Whatever 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' life throws at us, it begins to etch itself on our face for all the world to see.

When you see the police mugshot of somebody staring out of a newspaper, they certainly look the part (of a felon). But their face wasn't always like that.

They too were fresh-faced and sparkly-eyed as a baby. Perhaps their mum cuddled them and smothered them with kisses. Or perhaps not.

The game of Life happens though and leaves the score on the face. And so it does on all of us, to a greater or lesser degree. It depends on what you've been through, whether worry, anger, disappointment or something else.

The first thing that begins to transform with your daily kundalini meditation, is your face.

When the kundalini rises with meditation and opens your Sahasrara chakra, the vibes flow down into your Nabhi chakra.

In your Nabhi the vibes are 'broken down' into the 'tanmatras' (subtle elements), for example,  emollience/skin softener (water element), radiance/sparkle in eyes (fire element).

It's not just a transformation of your face. She, your kundalini, also works on your mind to free you of the mind's  trap. 

This is how you overcome 'matter' in the form of personal limitations and beat the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' . More below. 

Also below: How doing a regular foot soak (footspa) can help with stomach and skin problems; and, a short meditation to help you get on top of things.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon.18th Mar - Navami (You're Vibed Up!); Wed. 20th - Amalaki Ekadashi (Destroyer of Illness); Sun. 24th - Full Moon (Early to Bed).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Taking care of your feet is so important to your overall health - ask a reflexologist. A simple way to do this is by regularly foot soaking. This is especially beneficial for your Nabhi chakra, which is the chakra of your health, wealth & happiness. Plus, it can help with stomach and skin problems. Here's what you need and how to do it...
Peak Success - Getting On Top Of The Things That Drag You Down.
Look on the bright side. Nothing matters except your 'guiding light' - your spirit (residing in your left heart chakra). The more you can be one with that then nothing can drag you down. Here's a short meditation to put your worries on ice (cooled down liver) and get on top of things by focusing on your inner self...
Mind Over Matter - Beating Your Personal Limitations.
Your mind is your own construction and acts like wrap-around glasses, made up of ego and super-ego, through which you view the world. This is how we each acquire our personal limitations . Your kundalini meditation helps you take off the wrap-arounds and beat the things that hold you back. Here's how the mind is a myth...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

"I have seen people after one year of realization, and I was surprised how their faces were changed, that I could not recognize them who they were. The whole thing becomes absolutely mild, soft, peaceful and very joyous."

August 16th 1992, Cabella Ligure (Italy).

" Can I meditate lying down?"
In Reply:

You can try.

If I did that I might drift off to sleep. I think for most people if your eyes are closed and you're horizontal to the ground the brain sends a message to the body to catch some z's.

But there's a yoga pose of lying flat on your back, called Shavasana, which is supposed to help you achieve a state of 'Yoga Nidra' meditation - while you're asleep.

Yoga nidra is based on the idea that there a 4 states of consciousness : waking, sleep, dreamless sleep and Turiya, which is a state of pure awareness or thoughtless awareness. Yoga nidra is being in the Turiya state while asleep.

This is why kundalini meditation is so powerful. Because it takes you to the Turiya state while you're awake, with all the amazing potential that holds.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.