Monday, 26 February 2024

No Sweat. How You're Quietly Evolving.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

No Sweat. How You're Quietly Evolving.

Dear Friend,

Here's some good news and some bad news. First the bad news; not for you obviously, but for Joe Public on Oxford Street.

Earlier this week an opinion piece was published in the New York Times by David Wallace-Wells, the author of The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming.

In it he points out that although major droughts and flooding caused by a warming planet  in different parts of the world may grab newspaper headlines, it's the silent and invisible, slow-burn environmental risks that should be of concern.

Not all environmental risks though are due to temperature increase according to a study in the British Medical Journal about environmental risk and  non-communicable diseases. It could be chemical pollutants in the water or air; it could be your diet as well as the office lighting and air-conditioning you sit in when you go to work.

The good news is that on the whole, at least in the short-term, most people are resilient. The even better news is that your meditation practice makes you even more resilient.

You already knew this, but now science backs it up. The way that environmental risk leads to detriment and disease is through the human genome. In this study by Italian scientists : Molecules of  Silence: Effects of Meditation on Gene Expression and Epigenetics , it is shown how meditation protects the human genome.

The forms of meditation investigated in the research were mindfulness practices. And what works for mindfulness also works for the mind-empty practice of your kundalini meditation.

The added advantage of the kundalini meditation is that it leads to a permanent shift in awareness and is en-masse which is the definition of evolution. More below:

Also below: A preview of a short film entered for the 2024 Oscars that will pluck at your heart strings; and, how to cut down on coffee using your meditation. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 27th February - Sankashti Chaturthi (Long difficulty, quickly overcome).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Music heals. There's a scene in this short doc, where a repairer is looking for a hairline crack on a violin which is distorting it's sound and compares this to some of the LA school children for whom these instruments are repaired for free. The crack is found  but what about the child? Music heals. This is a moving and ultimately uplifting insight into the lives of other people...
Natural High - Increasing Your Life Force (A Meditation).
Coffee is the drug of choice for a lot of people who need those morning doses in order to begin functioning. If that's you then you can cut down on the coffee but still maintain you're dynamism by using this short meditation from which you can learn to channel the vibes at your Sahasrara chakra into your Nabhi (life force)...
No Sweat - How You're Quietly Evolving (But Not As We Know It).
The thing that did it for our human cousins, the Neanderthals, was climate change, apparently. A bigger brain was needed so Mother Nature provided Homo Sapiens with one. Evolution then seems to be by a refinement of the central nervous system (CNS). The vibratory awareness (6th sense) you get from your kundalini meditation is a refinement of CNS. Here's how she gradually raises your consciousness... 
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

"Everything vital is always effortless. If you have to breathe and for breathing if you have to go to libraries many will survive? It is so vital that it has to happen. The only difference in this evolution and the evolutions so far we have had is this, that you being free, you are going to feel it in your awareness. Before this you never felt it in your awareness. Only at this time you are going to feel it in your awareness, that you have become [another] person, that a cocoon has become the butterfly, that an egg has become a bird. This is a blessing placed within you since long and that’s why it is 'Sahaja', meaning: 'born with you'."

October 15th 1981, Los Angeles (United States).

" How can I use the meditation to help me with my creative work?"
In Reply:

You have an in-built muse (Shri Saraswati) and source of creative inspiration on your Swadisthana chakra.

So you should discover that as your Swadisthana improves with daily meditation, you automatically become more creative in general.

For a specific piece of creative work, in my own experience, there are usually a few options as to how you want to approach it, as well as what the end goal should look like.

Put the end goal into meditation and ignore the paths to getting there. Let it marinate for a few days; maybe even forget about it.

When it's 'cooked' , you'll be sitting in meditation one day and the whole thing will come to you. Invariably, the path will turn out to be the path of least resistance that perhaps never occurred to you. And your execution will flow.

This also works for problem-solving.

On the subject of creativity, Ellis, who is an artist, showed me his Instagram page @ellisartt  a few days ago and says he's been trying to depict his experience of kundalini awakening and opening of Sahasrara chakra.

If you're an artist and have already been there and done that, then I'm sure he'd appreciate any encouragement you can give him by posting a note to his Instagram.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

Monday, 19 February 2024

Still Life. Your Power To Change Things Just By Looking.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Still Life. Your Power To Change Things Just By Looking.

Dear Friend,

Do you remember Van Gogh - the Dutch artist who cut off his left ear and then painted a portrait of himself wearing the bandage

Well, Van Gogh London Exhibit: The Immersive Experience which is on at the moment uses tech:  360-degree camera views and virtual reality to involve the viewer in the art in a way you wouldn't get from just walking around an art gallery.

It's ironic that tech is breathing new life into how we consume art, when it was tech: the invention of photography, that killed off the kind of visual art that was being produced up until that point.

Before the camera came along, art was a faithful representation of reality (Realism). After the camera, what was the point in trying to represent something that could be better captured in a photograph?

So then along came Impressionism, which as the name suggests was a shift away from realism to put the emphasis on the impression or internal feeling generated when the artist looked at a scene. The artist was painting their experience.

Van Gogh's fame rests not on his cut ear but on taking Impressionism to the next level : Post-impressionism, which became the foundation of Modern Art , which is essentially 'Anything Goes'.

With your kundalini meditation, you're combining the camera view (your still mind) with your feelings (impressions) to look at something - a situation, a problem etc. - and change it . More below. 

Also below: There's more to the food you eat than the calories. Getting more of the good stuff; also, what meditating purposefully looks like.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 19th February - Jaya Ekadashi (You win!); Sat. 24th - Full Moon (sleep early).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
According to Ayurvedic medicine, you are what you eat. If you want to be full of joy then eat joy. If you want to be full of love then eat love. But usually the food on your plate or however you get it, is dead on arrival because of its unhappy journey. Here's how to use vibes to put the joy and love back into it so that it becomes medicine... 
Do You - Why Meditating On Your 'To Do List' Can Make Your Day Flow Better.
Some people are better at multi-tasking than others. If you're the kind of person who is continuously  running just to keep on top of things, then a little 'forward planning' using your meditative attention at the start of your day can help you achieve more with less effort. Here's how to do you so that your to-do-list pretty much does itself...
Still Life - Your Power To Change Things Just By Looking.
Reality is not what it seems. Your mind can play tricks on you. Get out of jail free when you don't know how to. It's the 'witnessing' power that you develop on your Vishuddhi chakra that helps. When kundalini goes to Vishuddhi, your ego and super-ego (which form your mind) subside. Without the distracting mind all you see is still life. Then make the peaches as red as you want. Here's how your looking changes things...
Popular Posts Others Are Reading.
Quote of the Week

"Thoughtless awareness is a state of mind where you look at anything you don’t think. You just watch. You become a witness. Just a witness. You do not react...and that witnessing power cures the thing; cures the problem."

September 26th 2000, Royal Albert Hall, London (England).

" How long should I try to spend meditating every day?"
In Reply:

It's not the length of time you sit there that's important, but rather being able to experience a moment of thoughtless awareness.

When that happens then you know that your kundalini has connected you to the underlying reality of existence beyond the one we make up in our heads. And everything starts changing for the better.

So meditate for 2 minutes or 3 minutes or 5 minutes or however long you can manage, but just be thoughtless.

Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.