Monday 15 January 2024

Zen It! How 2024 Could Be Your Year.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Zen It! How 2024 Could Be Your Year.  

Dear Friend,

The best time to change the course of anything is at the beginning.

If you leave it too long then the shape of it becomes fixed, probably in a way that you don't want. Change becomes harder.

That's why January can be key to how the rest of your year ahead plays out - what shape it takes.

We're already in mid-January and whether or not you already had some new year resolutions, it's useful to double down on your meditation practice.

It could be the single biggest thing that you do in January; one that makes all the difference to everything else.

Sahaja yoga meditation is Zen because it's not just sitting down with your eyes closed, but is a state of awareness that you carry with you into your day-to-day activity. This is where the magic of it starts to show itself.

So at every opportunity Zen it to help make 2024 the year you want it to be. More below.

Also below: The advantage of paying attention to the lunar calendar in 2024; and, how to revitalise yourself when you have 5 minutes here and there.   
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 17th January - Saptami (Lucky 7th - Act Now); Thurs. 18th - Durgashtami (Bold Move); Fri. 19th - Navami (You're Protected); Sun. 21st - Ekadashi (Get Rid of It).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
When is the best time to say 'yes' to something or start a new project? What day of the month can difficult problems most easily be solved? Timing is everything. The moon calendar can suggest the best time. That is why in India marriage dates and the start of business ventures are decided with it. Your left yoga channel (moods and emotions) represents the moon and your daily meditation helps you tune in better. Here are the days this month you need to watch for...
Drinking The Sun - Revitalise Yourself With This.
In Chinese medicine and martial arts, the 'dantian' ('elixir field' ) where 'qi' ('vital energy, 'life force') is cultivated and stored has a location in the abdomen. This location corresponds to the Nabhi chakra (solar plexus) in yoga. With kundalini awakening a reflex flow of vibes (qi) from Sahasrara into Nabhi takes place. Here's a short meditation to use this to revitalise yourself.
Zen It - How Your Problems Are Solved With Thoughtless Awareness.
If you haven't already experimented with how your meditation and being in a state of zen ( thoughtless awareness) can solve your problems, then try it . It's not that you're actually doing anything. It's being done for you by the Paramchaitanya ( self-organising principle of Nature') that your kundalini connects you to. Here's what's going on... 
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Quote of the Week

"Establish that thoughtless awareness. That’s very important. Because in that condition, all your ego, conditionings, (worries, fears) all these thoughts will stop. And then you will establish yourself in the present, and you’ll grow. (Then) on your nerves this new dimension (ability to feel vibes and use them) will grow. This new dimension of your spiritual powers will grow. So, meditation is the most important thing for growth to become what you are  in reality and in totality."

December 23rd 1993, Ganapatipule (India).

"Why is there no concept of Kundalini in western science or medicine?"
In Reply:

I don't know. 

However, western science has imported certain 'scientific' names from Latin or Greek such as 'sacrum' (sacred) and 'fontanelle' (little fountain) in human anatomy.

The sacrum is the bone at the base of the spine which houses the kundalini. The fontanelle is the bone at the top of the head through which the awakened kundalini emerges, in a fountain-like cascade.

This naming might hint at some lost esoteric knowledge in western tradition.

It's also interesting to note that the symbol displayed on the side of an ambulance is the Rod of Asclepius (staff with a snake rising).

Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine. The snake symbolised healing and rejuvenation, both of which are associated with the awakening and rising of the kundalini.  
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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