Monday 22 January 2024

Past Perfect. Clearing The Attic of Your Memory.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Past Perfect. Clearing The Attic of Your Memory.  

Dear Friend,

Last year, for reasons of nostalgia, I made a trip back to rural Suffolk in the English countryside to see again, after many years, a little village where I went to primary school for a while.

All I could see in everything were the ghosts of the past. Memory plays strange tricks. It's not how I remember the place. And, yet it was.

There was the school. Silent. Empty. But echoing in my memory with the distant sound of laughter, screaming and excited shouting of kids at play time. Myself included.

The past is indeed a strange country and can affect you for better or worse, depending on what you've been through.

Your kundalini registers everything of your experiences and so knows everything about you. When she heals you, she's also healing your past by removing the cobwebs in the attic of your memory. More below. 

Also below: Salute the Sun - an exercise to chase away the winter blues; and, getting yourself together so that you can bring your whole self to what you do.   
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 25th January - Full Moon (Early to bed.)

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Monday 15th January was said to be 'Blue Monday' because after your christmas break you're back to the grind; your bank account is drained and summer holidays are a long way off. If this is sounds like you then why not learn the Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) which activates your right yogic channel and gives you more 'get up & go'. Here's Rashmi showing you how it's done ...
Self Integrate - Loving What You Do & Good at It.
If you can find no joy in what you do then there's something missing. With daily meditation your kundalini is integrating the different sides of your personality to make you whole again. Your heart, head and focus all begin to pull in the same direction. Gradually, your outer expression begins to mirror your inner integration so that you end up doing what does bring you joy. Here's a short meditation to help with that... 
Reflections -  Clearing The Attic of Your Memory .
Your memory, your emotions, your subconscious, your habits, your likes and dislikes  are all part of your left yogic channel, which is a reflection of your past. Your kundalini is trying to make you the best version of yourself by clearing the attic of your memory. Light is the medium. You can help yourself with a candle flame . Here's how to do it...
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Quote of the Week

" It’s a very complicated thing the left side; much more complicated than the right side. On the left side (you) have seven Nadis (channels) placed one after the other. Now, these seven nadis that are on the left side, as you know, they cater to our past. Say for example, every moment becomes a past. Every present becomes a past. Then we have the past of this lifetime, and also we have the past of our previous lives."

March 28th 1991, Perth (Australia).

"We had a relative come and spend a few days with us recently. We get on very well with them but since they've been here the energy in the house has changed a bit. Meditating is not as easy as it was before they came. Is there something I can do?"
In Reply:

It happens sometimes. Just buy 3 fresh coconuts. Vibrate them by leaving them in front of your meditation photo over-night. Then place the coconuts in 3 different room corners.

Leave the coconuts there until they crack or the water in them dries up. Afterwards throw them away in an outside dustbin.

The vibes in your living space should lift; making it again easy to meditate.

Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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