Monday 11 December 2023

Word Power. How What You Say Comes True.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Word Power. How What You Say Comes True.

Dear Friend,

Don't be surprised if you make a casual remark about something without giving it much thought, and later discover that it actually happens or turns out to be the truth.

I know that this has happened to me before and I'm sure that  other Sahaja yogis have experienced it too. So what's going on with that?

It's like this. When you speak, it may seem like your brain is coming up with things to say and your vocal chords are just turning it into word sounds.

According to yoga, however, voice and word production actually begins in the stomach. It passes through 4 phases before becoming audible sound.

These 4 phases are : 1. Para  (stomach/ Nabhi chakra), 2. Madhyama (Heart chakra) 3. Pashyanti (Vishuddhi chakra), 4. Vaikhari (throat).

When Kundalini is awakened She awakens the intrinsic energy of the chakras, which otherwise are dormant. In yoga iconography, these intrinsic energies are visualised as 'deities'.

The 'deity' of the Nabhi chakra is Vishnu who in the literature is described as 'Padma-Nabah', which means ' who has a lotus growing out of his stomach'.

Sitting on that lotus is Brahma, the deity of creation. So with compact visual vocabulary the idea of the stomach being the source of the creative impulse (Para - 'In the beginning was the word.') is expressed.

This is how it is that with daily kundalini meditation, what you say can carry some creative power in it and change a little of the fabric of existence. More below. 

Also below: Why the best time to get up in the morning is Brahma Muhurta (The 'Ambrosial hour'); and, how to build up your resilience through greater strength and stability.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 11th Dec. - Shivaratri (Nothing can touch you.); Tues. 12th - New Moon (Start something new); Sat. - Chaturthi (Lucky 4th day of moon - everything works out).

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The key to having a successful day is to catch it pre-dawn before it has already taken shape. In Vedic science this special time is called 'Brahma Muhurta', and usually assumed to be at 4am. However, it's actually calculated as one and a half hours before sunrise. So if you're up between 6am- 7am you're good through December and January because of the late sunrise. Here's a Times of India photo-story of what to do to make the most of it... 
Building Resilience - A Meditation On Your Root Support.
Your Mooladhara chakra ('Root Support') is the foundation of your whole subtle body and is where you draw your strength and stability. It's also directly connected to your 'Ida Nadi' (left channel), which is the channel of your emotional life. Nurture the two together and you can fearlessly climb any mountain. Here's the meditation for building your inner resilience...
Word Power - How What You Say Comes True.
Your words have a power. This is why when you meditate and use mantras they have a real effect in developing the energy of your chakras. The mantras actually work ('Jagruti'). Similarly, what you say without intent can also happen. Loudly declaring that you're going to win the next draw of the national lottery, will probably not happen . Particularly if you haven't bought a ticket. But here's what's useful to know about your word power...
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Quote of the Week

" A person whose 'Vani' (words/speech) is enlightened (through daily kundalini meditation), whatever [they] says comes true. Whatever [they] ask for happens.

Even before [they] say something,  the desire within, which is the 'Paravani', which is the coded information of the desire you have, becomes enlightened. And that’s how you get the results."

May 17th 1981, London (England).

"I'm not having a great time at home at the moment. We seem to be having arguments a lot more. I'm trying to meditate but the conversations keep going around and around in my head. What can I do?"
In Reply:

Focus on yourself and not the other person.

The chakras that it will be useful to pay attention to are:
  • Left Nabhi (domestic peace)
  • Left Vishuddhi (guilt)
  • Right Vishuddhi (assertive speech)
  • Front Agnya (overthinking it)
The 'treatments' for each are:
  • Left Nabhi - fingers pressed into left side of stomach with attention in Sahasrara.
  • Left Vishuddhi - gentle massage of  the crux of left side of neck and shoulder.
  • Right Vishuddhi - a neat spoonful of raw honey daily; regular hand massage with an emollient.
  • Front Agnya - diluted sandalwood oil massage of centre of forehead before bed-time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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