How To Untie Knots. Dealing With Complex Problems. Dear Friend,
At the end of our group meditation sessions on Tuesdays, I sometimes find myself engaged in conversation with Alex, who is a consultant in palliative care in the NHS.
With all the recent headline news about doctors and nurses going on strike for pay increases, it's interesting to get Alex's inside-view of the extent of the problems within the NHS . And, she says, it ain't just about the money.
Just to take one strand of the many issues facing the NHS - Elderly Care. Supposing an independent-living 75-year old has a fall in their home and fractures or breaks a bone, requiring a hospital visit of a few days .
While in hospital they contract an infection which means they have to stay in hospital longer . The additional time in hospital with an infection results in them becoming frailer.
The more frail they are, the higher the risk that they will suffer another fall if they are sent back home. So, in consultation with the elderly patients children who may live many miles away, a decision is made to move the person into a Care Home where they can be looked after.
But funding for Social Care has been cut. There are fewer Care Home places available so it's taking longer to discharge the patient and free up the hospital bed for the next patient.
The waiting list for hospital admission gets longer . There's more pressure on NHS staff who have to work longer hours to try and manage the back-log. People suffer burn-out and decide to leave the NHS.
Then there's even more pressure on the doctors and nurses still left standing who are doing the equivalent of two or more people's work while taking an effective 'pay cut' because of high inflation.
Unfortunately , most societal and global problems are similarly multi-faceted. Where do you begin on solving problems like this?
The answer might be closer than you could guess.
As Confucius may or may not have said: "Be the change you wish to see in the world". More below.
Also below: In praise of cotton underwear - why you should avoid 'plastic' clothing touching your skin; and, giving yourself some belly love to get the wealth that your Nabhi chakra wants to give you.
Best wishesP. PS. Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 29th May - Navami ( You're protected; go for it!)); Wed. 31st - Ekadashi (Creative destruction). |