How To Spend It. The Wealth You Never Knew You Had. Dear Friend,
It's in human nature that the things got very easily are not really valued.
This applies as much to Sahaja yoga as it does to many other things. Here's an example.
Many years ago, with the influx into America of yet another bearded and be-robed holy man from India, after another one, a market in guru-shopping developed.
The result was that these recent exports from India to the US amassed a lot of followers; monetised them in one way or another - an expensive course here, a pay-to-play mantra there - and, in so doing, not only became minor celebrities but also acquired the trappings of wealth.
It was during this time that Shri Mataji was on a trip to America with her husband, who was the secretary-general of the United Nations Maritime organisation.
An opportunity arose for a TV spot about Sahaja yoga. When the producers met Shri Mataji to discuss it, however, they were deflated to learn on asking, that Shri Mataji owned not even one Rolls Royce as a trophy of success in selling spirituality. The program got canned.
'Free' doesn't sell well in America. What is got very easily is not really valued.
But the mark of value of anything is that it makes you richer in some way. Sahaja yoga does this in abundance. You have to begin to spend your new-found wealth in order to discover this. More below.
Also below: a simple ayurvedic treatment you can do as part of your health regime; and, keeping your balance gets you further - a guided meditation to help you do just that.
Best wishesP. PS. Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 1st Feb. - Jaya Ekadashi (You can win - victory through getting rid of something). Sun 5th - Full Moon. |