Monday 4 July 2022

Don't Sweat It - Why You Get Further By Not Trying So Hard.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Don't Sweat It - Why You Get Further By Not Trying So Hard.

Dear Friend,

In her prime, Serena Williams, the former Wimbledon Tennis  Women's singles champion, was  a formidable power player, capable of serving the ball at a blistering speed of 206km/h.

However, at this year's Wimbledon, she bowed out after a first round defeat to newcomer, Harmony Tan.

What Harmony Tan lacked in power, she made up for in finesse, with drop-shots and lobs. Of the two players, Harmony Tan seemed to be having more fun.

With any situation in life you find yourself in, it could be the equivalent of playing a game of tennis against yourself. It's not always the amount of effort (power) that produces the desired result, but instead, a more relaxed going-with-the-flow approach (finesse).

Your ability to 'finesse' increases as you develop your powers of kundalini through daily meditation. More below.

Also below: Why you should own a spider head massager; and, how to center yourself with a simple hands yoga pose. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Head Thrills - Using a Spider Massager To Stimulate 'Marma Points' On Your Head. 
If you haven't got one of these spider massagers lying in easy reach from the sofa, then you're missing a great way to combine watching a movie with some therapy. Pronging your scalp with this stimulates 'marma points' on your head. The major marma points correspond to your chakras, so you get a full-body 'workout'. Here are the best 5 massagers...
5-Minute Anjali Mudra Meditation To Centre Yourself.
Want to feel connected and centered? It just takes 5 minutes using the yoga pose of pressing both palms together and holding at the center of your chest. This is called 'Anjali Mudra'. It also helps to pacify any negative feelings about your past or anxiety about the future. See how you feel after this Anjali mudra guided meditation...
Don't Sweat It - Being Kundalini-Effortless With Everything.
If you're going to perform a double-flip on a skateboard (so I'm told), once you're committed to the move, you literally have to relax into it to avoid an accident. To someone watching, it looks effortless. It's a similar kind of effortlessness involved with your kundalini. Here's why it has to be effortless...
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Quote of the Week

 "...When you get your Self-realisation, then in the light of your Spirit you see the Truth. And the truth you see [is] what is good for you and what is harmful. You can see very clearly and you also have power to take to things which are good for you. " 

July 10th 1999, Royal Albert Hall (London).

" What can I do to improve the sensitivity to vibes on my hands, so that I get the confidence to make decisions based on the vibes I'm feeling?"
In Reply:

The ability to feel vibes on your hands comes from a clear vishuddhi chakra. Anything you can do to improve your vishuddhi will help the sensitivity of your hands.

A few tips for improving your vishuddhi chakra are:
  • If you smoke try and cut down, or, if possible, give it up altogether
  • Smile more and speak gently
  • Pay attention to oral hygiene
Sometimes lack of sensitivity to vibes on the hands could be as a result of what the hands are habitually used for. For example, if the hands are used a lot for manual labour, this could make them less sensitive. The remedy is to soak hands in salt water and regularly massage them with olive oil or coconut oil.

One form of manual labour that is very good for the hands is if you're a gardner and work with the mother earth, because this has a clearing effect on the hands.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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