Monday 11 July 2022

How You're Built For Joy - The Clue in Cannabis (CBD Oil).


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How You're Built For Joy - The Clue in Cannabis (CBD Oil).

Dear Friend,

I don't know whether you're taking any CBD or not, but Gwyneth Paltrow has described it as 'the hero product of the future' . Holland & Barrett, the health food shop, has 139 CBD products listed on it's website.

These include skincare products as well as gummies that you can chew. So CBD is pretty hot at the moment.

But the reason why CBD works (for anxiety and depression and a wide range of other health issues) is  far more interesting than the actual products: 

It's because it piggybacks on the body's own 'cannabis factory', medically referred to as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The fact that this internal cannabis factory exists, suggests that Mother Nature designed us to 'get high' (joyful) and remain healthy, without the need to smoke or swallow anything.

The body's internal 'cannabis', a neurotransmitter ( chemical messenger) was named as 'Anandamide' when it was discovered. In Sanskrit, 'Ananda' means 'Joy, Bliss, Delight'.

In the yoga literature, Kundalini is described as the source of ananda on all your chakras. So before you reach for a CBD gummy, why not invest in your own cannabis factory through daily meditation. More below. 

Also below: eat your greens ( and oranges) - why colour in the diet is good for you; also, developing the powers on your chakras using a mantra meditation.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why Eating Colourful Food is Good for You. 
Many years ago, Shri Mataji advised a sick person, at one glance, to go and eat orange food. The reason may have seemed a little mysterious at the time, but we now understand that the orange in the food comes from beta-carotene which boosts the immune system. See what health-giving colours you need to get more of in your diet  from the following chart...
Super You - Get The Benefits of  'Power Posing' Without Even Standing Up.
Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist who popularized 'power posing' : the idea that you can get ahead in life by consciously using your body language to project power and confidence. This could take a lot of time standing around with your hands on your hips. Instead, remaining where you're sitting, listen to this short mantra meditation on your chakras that powers you from the inside out immediately...
7th Heaven - Your Different States of Joy.
There's an ancient Indian prophecy about the future of humanity, which predicts that at some point in the future, human beings will no longer get sick or grow old and will exist in a state of bliss consciousness (ananda). Your kundalini is trying to give you a head start. Every time you meditate, she cultivates the potential joy on each of your chakras. The highest joy is on the 7th chakra (sahasrara). Here are the different states of bliss... 
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Quote of the Week

 ". Now, at every centre [chakra] in the body you’ll receive a different type of joy... and there are names for every type of joy you receive at every centre when the Kundalini rises. But when the Kundalini comes into the Sahasrara [brain/ crown of head], then the joy you receive is called as Nirananda. Now, 'Nee' means 'nothing else but' Ananda. Nirananda... Also, in my family I’m called as Nira. And Nira also means Mary, Maria. Because it means marine. Nira is water. Nira means water in Sanskrit language. It is called as Nirananda in the brain.

February 4th 1983, New Delhi (India).

" I'm still not sure what I should be focused on at the top of my head during meditation to quieten my mind?"
In Reply:

I just focus on Shri Mataji as a target . That's what I've found works for me.

It's like having a picture of Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton on your bedroom wall for inspiration, while practicing your rock guitar.

Probably because I actually met  Shri Mataji in person, when you're looking at her, you're looking at the thoughtless awareness state. So I figure why not use her as a ladder to get there vicariously.

The same can be said about the meditation photo, if you develop a rapport with it.

All this depends on where you've reached in your practice. If you're a relative beginner, it should be sufficient just to focus on the sensation of coolness at the top of your head, to get to mental silence.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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