Monday 13 June 2022

Fierce Love - How You're Protected By Your Heart.


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Fierce Love - How You're Protected By Your Heart.

Dear Friend,

As a half-naked toddler running around in an African village, my first memory of being attacked by a wild animal was when I was innocently playing close to some chickens.

At the point when I was attacked, I had been completed distracted by and transfixed by a group of toy-like tiny chirping chicks. As I stretched out my hand to pick one up; out of nowhere a large feathered ball of fury - OK, it was a hen and not a tiger -  leapt up and gave me a painful peck that sent me running for shelter.

This experience imprinted itself into  my sub-conscious :  Mother love is the fiercest; don't mess.

The universal archetype of this Mother Love is what powers your center heart chakra, according to Sahaja Yoga. It is this that, with daily meditation, enhances your sense of security and self-confidence and protects you.

Interestingly, the antibodies that fight disease and infection are produced in the sternum bone ( center heart chakra) until the age of about 12 years. More about Fierce Love below.

Also below : blushing red vitality - getting your pomegranates; and, how to stop yourself over thinking.
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

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In Praise Of Persian Pomegranates - A Sweet Recipe. 
The biggest, reddest, juiciest pomegranates in the UK, as far as I know, are sold at a Persian grocery shop that I pass frequently. Pomegranates originated in Persia, apparently, which probably explains why the fruit is embedded in Persian literature and poetry and is a symbol of  love, life and vitality. The next time you pass a Persian grocery pick one up. It has these 10 health benefits and you can make this Persian sweet with it...
Cool Liver - How To Stop Yourself From Over Thinking.
Analysis paralysis. Sometimes it's easy to get so caught up in a mental loop about something or someone, that we think ourselves to a standstill and don't actually take the required action to move the situation forward. According to Sahaja Yoga, the tendency to over think  comes from an over-active liver. Here's a simple way to cool your liver down . It will improve the quality of your meditation as well...
Fierce Love - Using The 'Armour Of The Goddess'.
The archetype of the 'Warrior Mother' is depicted in Indian iconography as the Goddess Durga, with many hands holding different kinds of weapons. The weapons are for protecting her 'children' from every kind of negativity.  And in yoga , it is said to be this energy that powers the center heart chakra. In addition there is her 'kavach' or 'armour'  that also protects you. It is symbolised by the movements of the hand over the body  when beginning and ending a meditation. Here's how to do a half-kavach... 
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Quote of the Week

 " ... people think those who love are weak. But the most dynamic power in this world is that of love. Is the most aggressive power — is that of love. " 

August 28th 1973, Mumbai (India).

" Can dreams be prophetic? I've had two dreams in which I was having a conversation with somebody and the dreams were so lucid that I knew in the dream that I was dreaming. "
In Reply:

According to Yoga , there are 4 states of consciousness:
  • Jagrat - Waking Consciounesss
  • Swapna - The Dream State
  • Sushupti - Deep Sleep
  • Turiya - Pure Consciousness
Turiya is also the state you begin to touch in your daily meditation with 'thoughtless awareness'. The more you touch your meditative Turiya, the more likely you'll enter Turiya during sleep. Turiya is the state of reality and so whatever comes to you from there is more likely to have a substance to it, and in some cases can even be prophetic.
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Mind Rest.

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