Tuesday 7 December 2021

How To Use Your Power Of Smell - Making Better Choices & Decisions Without Sweat.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 How To Use Your Power Of Smell - Making Better Choices & Decisions Without Sweat.

Dear Friend,

Your 'hamsa' chakra, between your eyebrows where it meets the top of your nose, controls your olfactory bulb, which is responsible for your sense of smell.

The sense of smell in all animals (humans included) is a survival mechanism. However, day-to-day, the most you might use it is to check whether that food you left in the fridge is still good to eat.

Since the hamsa controls the sense of smell, it also has a higher order function which can be described as 'discriminative intelligence'.

The clue to understanding what discriminative intelligence is, lies in the word 'hamsa' itself. In Sanskrit, 'Hamsa' means a swan. Specifically a swan, reputedly able to drink just the milk from a mixture of water and milk.

With your daily meditation, your hamsa chakra improves which gives you a better nose ( discriminative intelligence) for making better choices and decisions.

Below is advice on looking after your hamsa chakra which includes an ayurvedic treatment for the nose and a guided meditation to bring your left and right sides, which cross over at hamsa, into balance.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Benefits Of Putting Ghee In Your Nose.
A traditional Ayurvedic treatment for the sinuses, which also helps your hamsa chakra is to put a few drops of herbalised oil in your nostrils. For DIY purposes ghee is just as effective in lubricating the sinuses and improving your hamsa (see: how to make ghee at home). Apart from sinusitis, the treatment is said to also help with nasal congestion, allergies and headaches...
Achieving Your Balance - A Guided Meditation.
Thinking about your past could help you draw useful lessons from past experiences. Thinking about your future could help motivate you towards your goals. However too much thinking about your past or your future could reduce your focus on what you can do now, today. Here's a guided meditation to bring your past (left side) and your future (right side) into balance in the now... 
How To Look After Your Hamsa Chakra.
As your hamsa chakra, which represents your discriminative intelligence, is very important for making choices that could affect your happiness and wellbeing, it's a good idea to look after it. In this 3 min instruction given in Sydney, Australia , Shri Mataji advises on the do's and don'ts of looking after your hamsa...
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Quote of the Week

"...meditation is very important because after Realisation [kundalini awakening] you can see in your light what your problems are, without being afraid of them. And also you know in Sahaja Yoga [the] technique[s] [of] how to cleanse yourself, how to take out your karmas [hangovers of your past],...to get completely rid of all your problems. So take it up seriously! Meditate! " 

August 6th 1979, Public Program - Caxton Hall, London (England).

" How to get rid of evil eye? I have the feeling I've been cursed. "
In Reply:

In an ancient text on kundalini yoga - 'Shri Lalita Sahasranama' - one of the descriptions given of the kundalini is 'para-mantra vibhedini' : 'para-mantra', means 'curse' and 'vibhedini' means 'she who breaks it'.

The way She(kundalini) 'breaks it' is by taking you out of negative karmas by taking you beyond a mis-identification with the ego when she rises to the crown of your head. So it's like you become 'invisible' or disappear as a target .

Also, from the experience of many people, the regular use of the meditation photo acts like a protective talisman /amulet.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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