Wednesday 15 December 2021

How You Can Overcome Fear & Insecurity- Using A Handy Little 'Mantra'.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How You Can Overcome Fear & Insecurity- Using A Handy Little 'Mantra'.

Dear Friend,

Don't let your imagination mess with your mind. If you're afraid that things aren't going to turn out well, it's because of the picture you're painting in your head.

Your kundalini works in two ways as you meditate, to remove any feelings of insecurity and fear that you may be holding on to.

Firstly, she gently opens out the lotus of your heart to gradually relieve you of the cause. Secondly, she relieves you of the mental load that feeds it.

Your kundalini is like a mother and knows everything about you, as she has constantly been with you from life-time to life-time (See: "Kundalini is a 'tape recorder' of your previous lives") and knows how to cure you and make you OK.

If ever you do feel a little insecure about something, or even fearful, then try using the 'mantra' : "Mother, please protect me and look after me", and see how you feel. More below.

Also below : Some African drumming to awaken your brave heart and a guided meditation to open nabhi, heart and sahasrara chakras.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Driving Out Fear - African Drumming For Your Heart Chakra.
Each of your chakras has a musical instrument associated with it, which is the basis of music therapy in Sahaja Yoga. Listening to Indian classical flute, say, is good for your vishuddhi chakra; the sitar can help your sahasrara chakra. Listening to the drum can clear your heart chakra. Here's a sample of some African drumming to instil bravery and fearlessness.
The Sky Is The Limit -Meditation To Open Nabhi, Heart & Crown Chakras.
Your nabhi chakra is important because your belly is the source of prosperity. Your heart chakra is important because it's the source of your feeling of security. Your crown chakra (sahasrara) is important because it helps you to achieve your ultimate goal. When these chakras open out to allow your kundalini to rise through, then the sky is the limit . Try it now...
Overcoming Fear & Insecurity.
The feeling of safety - physical, mental, emotional - is a basic human need, and any threats to it lead to a feeling of fear and insecurity. By taking you beyond your mind, your kundalini is taking you to 'higher ground' and a place of safety every time you sit and meditate. You don't have to be aware of any fear or insecurity within yourself to benefit from her action . Here's how she works...
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Quote of the Week

" ..Sahaja Yoga automatically transforms you – from top to bottom – because it is a living process. Like a tree, it has life. "

March 21st 1979, Mumbai (India).

"I've finally been able to feel my kundalini as a cool wind-like sensation above my head when I hold my hand there. I was never able to properly feel it before. What happens now?"
In Reply:

What happens now is that it will be easier for you to go mentally silent whenever you want, which is great for getting inspiration and solving immediate problems.

Also your kundalini begins to slowly open out the chakras above your head and improve your awareness, so that you become a better judge of things and are in a relaxed and pleasant state of mind, mostly all the time. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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