Wednesday 15 September 2021

Is Routine Killing Your Creativity? Do This.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Is Routine Killing Your Creativity? Do This.

Dear Friend,

Having a routine for doing certain things can be a good thing because it saves you the energy of having to think about it.

But if you find that most of your days are centered around doing the same thing over and over, it could be killing your creativity and robbing you of your joie de vivre ('joy of life').

Here's what's going on (or not going on ) in your brain when you're locked in a routine, stuck in a rut , or otherwise bored most of the time.

According to neuroscience, the human brain thrives on stimulus , such as learning something new or having new experiences. New nerve connections are formed in the brain and weak connections are made stronger. This is called neuroplasticity and is the brain rewiring itself. 

So to counteract the effect of routine, you could : take a different route home; eat at a different restaurant; go somewhere different on holiday ; begin that new project, or experiment by meditating with a candle and meditation photo , if you haven't tried it yet, to see what new experience you get.

Below, is how to regain your meditation mojo , if you find that you've hit a plateau in your experience (from routine) of what your kundalini is doing for you.

Also below: how you can reduce stress by changing the way you sit and stand; and, a guided meditation to connect with who you truly are.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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Quote of the Week

" You have to know the auspiciousness of things that you are using, whether it is auspicious or not. At random we buy clothes. At random we buy things. If you could use your vibratory awareness to buy your things to see what you should buy, what would look nice because beauty and auspiciousness goes hand in hand. They are not two [separate] things. Because beauty is a thing that gives joy to your Spirit, auspiciousness is the same, which gives joy to your Spirit. All other beauty is no beauty... "

September 27th 1980, Talking to Sahaja yogis', London (England).

" Is it possible to meditate without kundalini awakening, because I'm not sure if my kundalini has come up or not? "
In Reply:

Yes, it is possible to 'meditate' without kundalini awakening . Many people report the benefits of a daily 'mindfulness' meditation practice.

The difference  with the kundalini is that, it is Nature's mechanism for making the state of mindfulness as easy as breathing, so that it's possible to be in that state all the time, even without being aware of it.

This is the meaning of the evolution of human consciousness. It is also the definition of 'Sahaja Yoga': 'Sa-ha-ja' means 'with-you-born' or innate/spontaneous; and 'yoga' means 'pausing the fluctuations of the mind'/'ripple-less lake'

If your kundalini has come up, you'll generally feel a pleasant cool sensation on top of your head and on the palms of your hand , whenever you sit still for a moment and pay attention to it. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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