"Why Are We Here?" - You & The Universe . Dear Friend,
On a day in February 1977, when the famous theoretical physicist, Carlo Rovelli, was 21 years old and still busy with student politics at an Italian University, a housewife, Mrs Nirmala Shrivastava (aka Shri Mataji) stood up at a blackboard in New Delhi, India, to explain to a bunch of journalists how the universe was created.
Among the statements she made,was this one:
"We can say that the process of Creation is an eternal process. Means the seed becomes a tree and the tree becomes a seed, and the seed becomes a tree. It goes on and on — it’s eternal."
This is simple enough to understand. Less easy to understand is the mathematics and terminology of the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity put forward by Carlo Rovelli and two other physicist in 1988. The gist of Loop Quantum Gravity is that the universe continues to expand (cosmic inflation) following it's creation ('big bang') but at some point in the future, will collapse in on itself (quantum gravity) and then the whole process will begin again on repeat (loop) - exactly like a seed growing into a tree and then becoming a seed again ad infinitum.
How is any of this relevant to you? Because, according to Shri Mataji, the process has a purpose and the purpose is you. Or, more precisely helping you to become all that you can become by fulfilling your evolutionary potential. More about this below.
Also below: a guided meditation to help you overcome social anxiety, and how to make 'curative' water - very useful for skin conditions and stomach ailments.
Best wishesP. ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down. |