Tuesday 13 April 2021

Why You're Growing Younger - What Youu Should Know About Your Telomeres.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You're Growing Younger.

Dear Friend,

At some point in the future there'll be no need for hospitals because people will no longer get sick or grow old. That's the 14,000 year-old prophecy of an Indian yogi-astrologer, Acharya Bhujandar. But is this even biologically possible?

Turns out it is possible. In 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn (University of California, Berkeley) won the Nobel prize in Medicine for discovering the process of how the human body ages ('telomeres'), and the reversible mechanism involved (telomere length restoration)  ie. anti-ageing. Because ageing is a risk factor for a whole range of health issues such as cardiovascular, dementia, diabetes etc, sickness and growing old are closely bound together.

In later research that Dr. Blackburn carried out in collaboration with others, a link was proved  between meditation and telomere length restoration. This means that meditation can make you younger . Stress does the opposite - Wall Street magazine 19/01/2018.

A Google Trends report shows that word searches for "meditation" and "mindfulness" are now widespread across the globe, meaning that most of humanity is on the right track. But 'herd immunity' from illness and ageing can only happen when meditation becomes as easy as breathing for everybody.

This is what your kundalini does. Below is how your kundalini rejuvenates you.

Also below, a note about resuming face-to-face meditation sessions after lockdown and a soundbath meditation.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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Quote of the Week

" So please, please try to see for yourself, please forgive yourselves - very important. This is, I am talking about the realm of love where all these things do not exist. Now see for yourself, love and compassion. Compassion and love for yourself and for others. Now please put your right hand towards Me, once again and see with the left hand on your 'talu' [MEANS Fontanel Bone Area]. Just move your hand. Now in the both the hands if you put like this towards Me. Open your eyes, there is no need to close the eyes. And see if there is cool or hot breeze coming onto your fingertips or into your palm. Just see. Called as 'spanda' [MEANS Vibration],"

April 17th 2000, Public Program, New Delhi (India).
" Can you explain the coincidences I've been getting? I'm not complaining; they're positive and help me in some way, but I'm curious how just meditating can lead to them "
In Reply:

You can think of it like this : your kundalini is your ;wi-fi' connection that's been switched on. If you're searching for something or need help with something , the spiritual equivalent of a google search of the whole internet ('paramachaitanya') kicks in and gives you a 'hit' (coincidence).

The 'made to order' nature of the coincidences is what makes them stand out from normal coincidences that can happen to anybody.

Regular sahaja yoga meditation gives you a stronger 'wi-fi' signal.

See: How You're Helped By Miracles Through Kundalini Awakening.

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