Tuesday 20 April 2021

How To Stop Yourself From Worrying - 3 Ways That Really Work.


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How To Stop Yourself From Worrying.

Dear Friend,

According to various online sources, we each spend about 2 hours a day worrying and our favourite topics are: money and job security, relationships and health.

A little worry can be useful if it resolves you on a course of positive action that removes the worry. However, if you find yourself mentally playing on repeat worst-case scenarios to the point where you can't get to sleep at night, then, clearly, you're not doing yourself  much good.

Here are 3 suggestions for breaking out of the worry loop.

1. Talk to someone. The reason the worry is going round and round in your head is because it has no outlet. Let it out by sharing. The person you tell it to might have just the solution.

2. Thought experiment. Mentally take yourself through the worst case scenario, deciding what you'd do if it happened . Draw strength. Now replay the experiment envisaging all the different ways the worst case would not actually happen.

3. Focused meditation. Get up early in the morning for a week and put the issue into meditation. When you connect, the whole universe has got your back. More about this below.

Also below: An appreciation of a new book by Isabel Allende and how to talk to your kundalini to get a deeper and more fruitful meditation.

Best wishes


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Book Recommendation - Isabel Allende Interview With Christiane Amanpour.
"Kundalini is a woman. She's the Shakti, She's Your Mother" , said Shri Mataji. If human history is a pendulum between current patriarchy and matriarchy, it's now swinging the other way. Famous author, Isabel Allende lays out the necessity in this book of wisdom, distilled from a life of experiences growing up in Machismo Latin America.
Words Into Action- 8-Minute Guided Meditation On Kundalini.
Your Kundalini is your 'Mother' and like any mother, She wants to give Her child all that the child asks for. And what She gives is peace , satisfaction , security, contentment, fearlessness, and many other things . Simply expressing a wish for any of these during meditation, causes the Kundalini to move to give you the desired experience. Try with this... 
How To Stop Yourself From Worrying - The Universe Has Got Your Back
If you find yourself worrying about obstacles ahead of you that you have no power over, then meditation really is the key. In the experiences of many people practising sahaja yoga meditation, lost causes, hopeless situations and imminent threats have all been turned around  simply through connecting with the benevolent universe - described here...
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Quote of the Week

" So, your first stage is thoughtlessness. You are in present when you are thoughtless. Normally you are either in future or in the past. You get their thoughts only. But the moment Kundalini gets awakened, you get stable at the point between these two thoughts, where present exists. 

In this thoughtlessness, you are completely aware. At that moment you grow spiritually. So, you have to do meditation. You get into meditation. While meditating you become thoughtless. At that moment you will feel peace."

December 8th 1993, Public Program, Kurushetra (India).
" Will becoming a vegetarian help me make more progress with my meditation? "
In Reply:

Possibly but not necessarily. It depends on your body constitution or what is described in Ayurvedic medicine as your 'dosha' . The  doshas are of three types: 'Pitta' , 'Kapha' and 'Vata' and correspond to the right channel ('pingala nadi'), left channel ('ida nadi') and central channel ('sushumna' ) respectively in Sahaja Yoga.

So, if you lean more towards the Pitta -type or if you tend to be more right-sided, which can be  indicated by futuristic thinking, overthinking, over-analysing, insomnia etc. then cutting down on protein in the diet, and increasing the vegetables would cool down an overactive liver and make it easier to meditate.

However, if you're a Kapha-type or tend to be left-sided, then taking to a vegetarian diet could 'aggravate' a lethargic liver and push you further to the left, which would be characterised by low energy, lack of drive or motivation, resulting, perhaps, in less interest in maintaining a meditation practice .

As with everything in Sahaja Yoga, stay in balance by keeping to the happy medium - not too much and not too little of anything. And learn to listen to your body to tell you what it wants; it's wiser than your head.

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