Tuesday, 23 February 2021

3 Tips For Better Relationships.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

3 Tips For Better Relationships.

Dear Friend,

When it boils down to it, we are most happiest in our human contact with other people, that's why the enforced physical separation of lockdown has been hard for most . 

At least one study, has shown the link between social relationships and health.

Given this importance to our wellbeing of our relationships, a little investment in the quality of our human connections could go a long way. Below are 3 things you can start to do now  towards that.

Also below, why you might want to get some colour into your diet and the power of candles.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Food As Medicine: The Health Benefits Of Colour In Your Diet.
Flavonoids in foods have  antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities. They also help your chakras. If you want grounding and stability , you could go for the red of pomegranates which helps your mooladhara chakra. Need a boost of creativity? Yellow mango for your swadisthana. Other colours do this... 
Candle-light Can Heal You - Back Agnya Chakra.
If you'd like to improve your concentration , strengthen your eyesight, overcome lethargy or rid yourself of compulsive behaviour , then stock up on candles. There's an easy-to- do yogic exercise that involves steadily gazing at a candle flame to clear your back agnya chakra, leading  to the benefits above. Here's a quick demo of how it's done...  
3 Tips For Better Relationships With Others.
 First, love yourself. Positive daily affirmations help. Second, be authentic. Third, do  the inner energy work on your vishuddhi chakra with daily meditation. The vishuddhi chakra  in the throat is the 'chakra of personality'  as it looks after voice and communication, facial expression and your capacity for empathy. Here's a short guided meditation to give you the experience of your vishuddhi chakra opening up...
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Quote of the Week

"Now – as he has told you about all these centers (chakras)– when the Kundalini passes through them she nourishes all of them. These centers are responsible for our physical mental, emotional, also our spiritual being. So she nourishes them, integrates them and ultimately pierces through our fontanel bone area(top of head) and connects us to this all pervading power of divine love ('parama-chaitanya')."

28th June 1996, Public Program, Royal Albert Hall, London(UK).
"Thanks for the guided meditations in each weeks newsletter; they've really helped me. What I wanted to ask though was, how I can use the meditation for specific problems? 
In Reply:

Glad that the meditation is helping. For specific problems, try experimenting with a 'bandhan' which is done by finger-writing the issue in your left palm (left hand = wish), and then rotating the right hand over it ( right hand = action) - click here for demonstration. The use of the left and right hand symbolises putting your wish/desire into action via the agency of the all-pervading energy of existence ('paramachaitanya') , which your kundalini has connected you to ( like wi-fi ) as a result of your regular meditation.

Monday, 15 February 2021

Do This When You Need Inspiration.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Do This When You Need Inspiration.

Dear Friend,

A little inspiration can go a long way whatever your circumstances. But the gentle voice of your muse may be being drowned out when most needed by an over-busy mind .

Some of the most famous inspirational moments in history happened when the person concerned , momentarily gave up thinking about something and went for a walk in the woods or fell asleep or went to have a bath.

Below is a meditative technique you could use to 'hear' your muse's prompting.

Also below: from which direction is your success going to come from? Vastu Shastra has the answer; and do you know anyone who practises Tantric Yoga?

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Vastu Shastra: Facing The Right Direction For Success
When you're sitting at your laptop earning your income, facing the right direction could make a whole lot of difference, according to the ancient Indian knowledge of Vastu Shastra. Apparently , the energy coming at you from the different points on a compass can help or hinder you . Here are 8 tips for getting good vibes, including which direction your pot of gold is buried in.
Rabbit Heaven:  Can Tantric Practices  Lead To Enlightenment?
The British Musuem's recent exhibition Tantra: Enlightenment To Revolution which ran from 24th Sep 2020 - 24th Jan 2021, had anticipated a sell-out attendance but for the lockdown. If you have a friend who missed it , they can either purchase this book (left) on Amazon for $30.36 or discover for free in 10minutes all they'll ever need to know about Tantra.
Do This When You Need Inspiration.
 We all get stuck on something from time to time. It may be a creative project we're finding hard to make progress with or a personal issue we're mentally wrestling with. When this happens, a good strategy for resolving it, is to take a break from thinking about it by diverting the attention to something else. This guided meditation also helps. 
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Quote of the Week

"...everything lies in the collective subconscious. And in the subconscious lies whatever we have been conditioned with. Like now I was born in India so I am an Indian. You are born in Holland so you are Dutch, like that. This is all a conditioning. But actually we are human beings. All human beings smile the same way; cry the same way. So first of all we have to be human beings in the purest sense."

9th October 1987, Public Program, Amsterdam (Holland)..
"I can feel a slight coolness on top of my head when I meditate, but can feel nothing on my hands. What does that mean?
In Reply:

Our hands are part of how we communicate and so are linked to the vishuddhi chakra in the throat. If the vishuddhi chakra has been affected by, for example, smoking or frequent shouting, it could reduce the sensitivity of the hands to vibes. The more you're able to feel on your hands, the easier it is to read your own state of health, based on particular sensations felt on the fingers- see self-diagnosing chakras . To improve your vishuddhi, look after your throat and practice the simple yoga exercise of stretching your hands up above your head, while looking up, and hold the pose for a minute at a time. 

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

How To Move On From Past Hurt.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Move On From Past Hurt.

Dear Friend,

We carry the imprints of all our past experiences within us, and it shapes the person we are today. Personal growth and flourishing can only happen if we  junk the baggage  - usually in the form of a past hurt -that weighs us down.

How do you do that?  Below is a suggestion that might help.

Also below: about your 'third eye' and Mei Pak, the Malaysian-born actress and entrepreneur, on starting your own online business. 

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Do We Really Have A Third Eye & What's It For?
In Biology, the so-called 'third eye' is associated with the pineal gland which is situated in the mid-brain at a point in line with the centre of the forehead. Like your normal eyes, the pineal is photosensitive. It produces melatonin which regulates both the reproductive hormones and sleep-wake cycle. In yoga, when your 'third eye' is opened, this is what happens...
The Business Benefits Of Meditating On Your Swadisthana Chakra.
With daily meditation, a lot of people discover how much more creative they become. This is because your kundalini nourishes and opens out your swadisthana chakra which is the source of many hidden talents. If you were thinking of capitalising on that , here's Mei Pak, a successful entrepreneur , on 3 things you need to know.
How To Move On From Past Hurt - Your Agnya Chakra.
 Do you tend to dwell on the positive or negative things that have happened to you? The positive sets you free, but the negative binds you to a situation, which is not what you want. To set yourself free, you need to let go of it . Forgive. When you don't forgive, it blocks your agnya chakra and kundalini can't rise past your forehead. Here's a short guided meditation to clear agnya.
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Quote of the Week
"...so far we do not know the Reality. By reading books you wouldn’t know, by paying money to people and going to various organizations and… you would not know. You have to know yourself which is within you, this power [Kundalini] which awakens you and connects you[Yoga] to this All-pervading power[Paramachaitanya/ universal energy of existence]. Now, this All-pervading power thinks, organizes, balances, looks after you, looks after your family, it looks after kith and kin, looks after the whole atmosphere. Above all, it loves. It is the power of love I’m talking about. That’s the way, once you become empowered by that power of love and compassion I’m sure one day you’ll realize your potentiality, how great you are..."
16th June 1999, New York (USA) - Follow-up to VIP Conference.
"I know the meditation can help but at the moment I'm worried about my job situation, so when I do sit down to meditate, I can't stop thinking. Is there anything I can do?"
In Reply:
Your mind may be busy but thinking a lot actually comes from an over-active liver, which can be helped by cutting down on the amount of coffee you drink, spicy food and red meat. If your diet is not the issue, then place an ice-pack on the liver(see demo) when you meditate. Also Footsoak before bedtime, try and get 8 hours of sleep, wake up a little earlier in the morning when it's much quieter so that you can meditate without the distraction of noise from other people. The positivity that comes flooding into you when you've had a good meditation, has a knock-on effect on whatever situation you're in and things tend to work out in ways you never expected.  

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

3 Tips For Making Things Happen.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

3 Tips For Making Things Happen.

Dear Friend,

'Carpe Diem'. 'Seize the day', said the Roman poet, Horace. And what better time to seize it than first thing in the morning. If the extended time at home is starting to get to you , rather than feeling limited  or frustrated, wake up a little earlier in the morning and you may discover a newness about the day that feels like another country.

That's the time to re-wire your brain to bring about positive change, using a routine below , successfully used by other people.

Also below, why you shouldn't pay for  kundalini yoga classes, and, the one yoga exercise you should learn to do which, apparently, cures more than 60 common ailments.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Best Things In Life Are Free - Why You Can't Pay For Kundalini Yoga.
Money and spirituality don't mix. The whole of Nature's ecosystem runs without a single dollar changing hands. The sun shines ; bees make honey and your kundalini rises. Anything which is a gift of Nature cannot be paid for . And here's why you should definitely not pay for a 'kundalini yoga' class....2min 
This Yoga Pose Has 60+ Health Benefits (Apparently)
If there's one yoga pose that's worth learning how to do properly, then it's the forward bend asana (shown). Not only does it improve your Nabhi Chakra ('happiness in the belly'), it's also said to relieve fatigue, IBS, stress, insomnia and 56 other common ailments, listed here...
Morning Routine : 3 Tips For Making Things Happen.
 If your day begins with just a coffee and scrolling , then  it could really feel like groundhog day. There are 3 things you could do that can bring about shifts: exercise, journalling and a bit of 'laya' (dissolution) meditation like this...
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