Tuesday 19 January 2021

How To Get Out Of Mental Traps.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Getting Out Of The Trap Of Your Mind.

Dear Friend,

The way we sometimes think about things can bind us in a world-view that is quite different from the reality. This could apply to a particular situation we're in or guessing at another person's motivations in our social interactions, for example.

Thinking arises from the mind, and the mind can deceive itself. Below is a suggestion for learning to get out of the trap of the mind.

Also below, saving the planet by meditating more and, if you practice yoga, how to practice wisely or mindfully. 

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Can Kundalini Meditation Save The Planet?
INSEAD, the European Business School, included Sahaja Yoga meditation on an Executive Education Program , and discovered that it influenced business leaders to make more environmentally sustainable decisions. At the UN headquarters, New York, 1990, this is the connection Shri Mataji made between en masse kundalini awakening and saving the planet.... 
If You Practice Yoga, You Need To Know This.
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"You don’t have to know everything just now, first if you get your light, in that light will understand what you are, and what is the aim of your life what is the meaning of your life, what’s the identity of your life. This is for the transformation of the whole world, they call it the age of enlightenment, age of Aquarius, it’s a fact.(...)... what is needed is a simple understanding that you are spirit and that you have every right to get into union with this all-pervading power, which is the ocean of knowledge, which is the ocean of compassion, ocean of bliss, bliss and above all is the ocean of forgiveness. This power is understanding all of you, individually, this power coordinates cooperates, organizes everything. Look at these flowers, you can see from it, thank God genetics have now come to our help, even if you see the endocrines there are target cells which attack the targets, can you imagine the amount of organization it is to what details it works?  "
Sunday 13th September 1992, Vancouver (Canada) - 'How To Transform The Human Awareness '

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