Tuesday 12 January 2021

You're Built For Bliss.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

You're Built For Bliss.

Dear Friend,

In the midst of what we're going through at the moment, joy and bliss may seem like a rare and distant experience . However, that's what we're biologically wired for. Our highs, joyful moods and feelings of happiness come from the endorphins and serotonin that the body produces.

Kundalini meditation seems to turn the dial up on this and lead to the experience of what is described as 'nirananda' below.

Also below : is Mother Nature doing a silent 'upgrade' of human beings?  And how to get into your 'flow state' while working from home.
Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
What's Next? 7 Million Years Of Human Evolution.
Could en masse spontaneous kundalini awakening be Mother Nature's way of 'upgrading' human beings? According to fossil records from paleontology, there have been some 14 previous versions of human species that went extinct. Our nearest relatives were Neanderthals who disappeared about 40,000 years ago.  Here's a look back.
Flow State: Getting More Done With Less Effort.
It may sometimes feel like 'doing time' with enforced home-working, but you can alleviate the downside by taking a leaf from positive psychology and getting into your 'flow state'. This is when you're happy, energised and meaningfully challenged by what you're doing. How you start your day, has a lot to do with it.  Discover the key to flow with this guided meditation...
You're Built For Bliss - Tasting Paradise.
 When the kundalini rises and enters the limbic area of the brain(Sahasrara chakra) , she spreads out across the top of the head. As more strands of the kundalini enter the sahasrara it begins to flow through a yogic opening at the top of the head called the 'brahmarandra' and merges with the energy of existence. At this stage comes a meditative bliss, called 'nirananda' . Here's a taste of it...
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Quote of the Week
"You became a human being effortlessly and if you have to go further it has to be effortless. Everything vital is always effortless. If you have to breathe and for breathing if you have to go to libraries and go to some guru and pay him some money, how many will survive? It is so vital that it has to happen. The only difference in this evolution and the evolutions so far we have had is this, that you being free, you are going to feel it in your awareness. Before this you never felt it in your awareness. Only at this time you are going to feel it in your awareness, that you have become the other person, that a cocoon has become the butterfly, that an egg has become a bird. You can feel it within yourself this happening, you can absolutely monitor it within yourself and you are aware of it that this has happened to me. This is a blessing placed within you since long and that’s why it is 'Sahaja', means 'born with you'. "
Thursday, October 15th 1981, Public Program, Los Angeles (USA)

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