Tuesday 8 December 2020

Rest Your Mind ; Your Brain Will Thank You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Switch Off A Busy Mind.

Dear Friend,

Proper rest and relaxation help support good mental, emotional and physical health. But if you're finding it difficult to do this because your mind is working over-time, due to stress or anxiety, then there's some simple self-care that will help with that, given below.

Also below: shout & scream - singing as therapy ; and the bright future you have ahead of you. 

Best wishes

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
In Da Club: How Singing To Yourself Can Relieve Anxiety & Lift Your Mood.
Keeping stuff bottled up inside does you no good. Whether it's frustration about something that you have no control over, or it's something else weighing on you, singing it out is going to make you feel much better. You just need to find that right track...here
Why Your Future Is Bright & You Need To Lean Into It.
Your future is bright and that applies to humanity as a whole ..so long as we choose the 'red pill'. 14,000 years ago an Indian Astrologer by the name of Acharya Bhujandar, described what a 'red pill' future world would look like. And the shoots of that future are starting to show now. Here's what he said...
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"Once this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centers which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. She corrects your physical side; She corrects your mental side.[...] So you cure yourself, you do the diagnosis; you know what’s the problem is, and you cure yourself. It’s so simple, that it is unbelievable that how you can cure yourself like this. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are most of them, are because of these centers going into jeopardy.  "
Thursday, October 13th 1993, National Institute Of Health, Washington DC (USA)

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