Tuesday 22 December 2020

How To Conquer Your Fears.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Conquer Your Fears.

Dear Friend,

As a kid, home alone, I used to watch horror films on TV from a safe position behind the sofa. That way, I could keep an eye on the door and get some forewarning if all hell broke loose, and the thing I was seeing on TV suddenly burst into the room. You may have used a similar strategy yourself when you were small.

But how many of us still hold on to imaginary fears as adults? There's definitely enough things to be insecure about : health, career, finances and personal matters . However, fears and insecurities can be unnecessarily debilitating, so it's best to get out of them. A simple solution is provided below.

Also below : eating anxiety-busters for breakfast and appreciating the sound of silence.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
What To Eat At Breakfast To Reduce Anxiety.
Pick the right mood food for breakfast and you could be laughing all the way to lunch time. Sliced avocado on some rustic bread with soft boiled eggs, packs enough brain nutrients to keep you energised and on an even keel; so do these 4 other favourites  ...here
The Sound Of Silence : A Guided Meditation.
Sit still for a moment and just listen. What do you hear? Maybe, a clock ticking; someone's front door shutting; footsteps clicking on pavement and  fading into the distance? Muffled conversation? Now listen out for the moments of silence in between the sounds. When you do this same exercise with your attention inwards, this is what happens... 
How To Conquer Your Fears.
 Fear of falling is a common dream motif , which usually symbolises some insecurity we have in real life. But, until London Bridge really does come tumbling down , fears are just that : fears, which is the play of imagination and the perspective we take about certain things . And, because fears can be self-fulfilling, the only thing to fear is fear itself. Here's how to get up and walk away from your fears..3 min
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Quote of the Week
"...the joy which has not duality. Joy does not have happiness and unhappiness. Happiness 
comes to us when our ego is pampered. 
Unhappiness comes to us when our ego is damped. It is something different. We are not our egos, we are our Self. And when Self enjoys something, it enjoys it. There is no remorse, there is no duality about it, there is no unhappiness. So joy is a complete thing. It cannot be described. It is just to be experienced, and enjoyed within ourselves.  "

Tuesday, June 22nd 1982, Public Program, Reading(England)

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