Wednesday 16 December 2020

How To Let Go Of Your Worries.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Why Your Worries Are Over.

Dear Friend,

At a time of so much uncertainty, it's easy to fall into a pattern of worrying about everything. But worrying doesn't change anything and can be counter-productive. Not to worry is easier said than done of course. Or is it ? Below is how to let go of worry like letting air fizzle out of a balloon.

Also below, the care of your feet and how to solve problems without making the effort.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Health & Wellbeing Tip:  It's All In Your Feet.
If you've ever worn tight shoes, you know how uncomfortable that feels . It affects your whole body and even shows up on your face.. According to reflexology, by taking care of your feet you can enhance your overall health and wellbeing., so complementary to your daily meditation is the footspa treatment,
Where Solutions Come From - Meditating With Purpose.
Are you finding it difficult to sustain a regular meditation practice? A very good way of motivating yourself is by using your meditation to solve problems. Many people have discovered that when they 'put' an issue they are facing into 'thoughtless awareness', things work out. Here's a guided meditation to help you do that...
Why Your Worries Are Over - Or Can Be.
You spend 2 hours and 28 minutes every day worrying about stuff . This, apparently, is the average for everybody , according to researchers, and in 91.39% of the cases the worry does NOT come true. So worrying is a waste of time . Here's how to break your worry habit and enjoy yourself at the same time ...3 min
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Quote of the Week
"This is the time for transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And within us is placed the power, as Tao has described, is the mystical feminine Power within us. All of them have described it, I’m not the first person to say that; but nobody has been able perhaps so far to understand it or to accept it, that it should happen to you. You are born not only to be human beings, but you have to be superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself. Your life should be enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a curse: morning till evening worried about this, worried about that. That is why you are created.  "
Saturday, July 14th 2001, Royal Albert Hall, London (UK)

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