Wednesday 2 December 2020

How To Get To Your Happy.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Path To Happiness Lies Through Your Stomach.

Dear Friend,

Warm and cozy surroundings, family/friends, shared meals, emotional and financial security, laughter , bright future: these may all be useful ingredients to the 'happy life' but if one or more of these are missing you can still forge a path to happiness by doing a bit of navel-gazing. Literally. 

Here's how : the navel is the location of your nabhi chakra and if you consider that a mother delivers all the nourishment and needs of the baby in her womb through the umbilical cord/ navel , it gives you some idea of it's psychic importance.

Given below is a guided meditation to stimulate your nabhi chakra and take you to where you want to be . First achieve within what you want to be achieved on the outside.

Also below : making better choices and ridding yourself of past emotional trauma.

Best wishes

Photo credits:
Anjelina Jolie By Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Scarlett Johansson By GabboT -, CC BY-SA 2.0,


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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"So our mind is jumping on the cusp of past and future on the thoughts all the time., but when this kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts and you become, again I say become ‘Thoughtlessly aware’. You are aware but thoughtless that is the present, Present is the reality…. not the past or the future. So you become one with reality. Thoughtlessly aware is the first state which we call in Sanskrit as ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’…Second state you achieve is called as ‘Doubtlessly aware’ meaning ‘Nirvikalpa  Samadhi’ where there is no thought, doubt in your mind, no doubt."
Monday , October 3rd 1994, New York (USA)

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