Tuesday, 24 November 2020

How To Dodge A Bullet Or Where Miracles Come From.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Dodge A Bullet , Or Where Miracles Come From.

The state of meditation achieved in sahaja yoga, of mental silence or 'thoughtless awareness', has been described in certain yoga texts as 'kala- ateet' , which means 'beyond time'. 

Being 'beyond time'  means the idea of 'before' and 'after' can't exist . If there's no 'before' and 'after', then the idea of 'cause' and 'effect' breaks down as well, because , 'cause' is the 'before' to the 'after' effect.

Where there's no cause and effect  then, break the champagne open, anything can happen.  This is where 'miracles' come from . Below  are 3 real-life cases.

Also below: A rock star yogi and recharging your emotional battery.

Best wishes


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Rock Star Guitarist Has The 'Top Of His Head Open' And Gets Kundalini Awakening.
This is Matt Malley, the bass guitarist of the multi-platinum band Counting Crows. He co-wrote the single “Accidentally in Love” which became the title track for Shrek 2 and earned him Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe nominations as a songwriter. The secret of his success may be that time his head opened, which he describes here...
Recharging Yourself - A Guided Meditation For Putting Back What Is Being Taken Out Of You. 
Being very busy with work, planning, organising, creating, supporting others, can deplete your emotional reserves, meaning there's not much left just for yourself. The result is a benign neglect of equally important aspects of your personal life. Here's a short guided meditation to nourish and recharge  your depleted battery... 
How To Dodge A Bullet Or Where Miracles Come From.
If you ask anyone who's been practicing SY meditation for any length time, most will be able to tell you at least one story of a lucky break from nowhere that got them out of a tough situation. If it hasn't happened to you yet; it will; just keep meditating. Here are 3 real-life miracle cases...
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Quote of the Week
"So when the Kundalini rises and when She touches the spirit, the seat of the spirit here, the flow of the grace also on the sympathetic nervous system relaxes your center and nourishes them. Plus the rising of the Kundalini helps you such a lot but unless and until you get awakening of your Kundalini and the last breakthrough of the last Center, you cannot feel alright. And you have to work it out in a proper way, understanding how to cure yourself..."
Wednesday, April 17th , 1991, Sydney (Australia)

Monday, 16 November 2020

For Love & Money - Your Heart & Nabhi Chakra.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

For Love And Money - Your Heart & Nabhi Chakras.

Be the change you want to see. Most people agree with some version of the idea that inner improvement can lead to outer success. But a 'road map' from one to the other is not always clear. With your practice of sahaja yoga meditation, however, there's complete clarity .It's been the experience of many, how meditating on specific chakras will 'blossom' them and lead to specific outcomes in day-to-day life. Try with the guided meditation given below.

Also below, the extraordinary health benefits of putting oil in your belly button before bedtime. And, finding the magic loophole out of a difficult situation. 


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These Are The Benefits Of Applying 3 Drops Of Oil To Your Belly Button Nightly.
In Ayurvedic medicine, the navel is a 'marma' or 'vital point' and it's said that 72,000 'nadis' or channels radiate out from there to the whole body. When certain oils are placed there it can have a tremendous therapeutic effect on different parts of the body. Here are the oils , and what each does.
Between A Rock & A Hard Place: How To Get Out Of Difficult Circumstances.
When you have a VR (Virtual Reality) headset on and are battling dragons and alien monsters , you know it's not real. But your mind is a 'VR headset' you're wearing all the time and the worries and anxieties, like the dragons and aliens, may seem so, so real. Here's how your kundalini helps you to take that headset off. 
For Love & Money : A Guided Meditation On Heart & Nabhi Chakras.
You may navigate your way through life with your head but on a certain level we remain as instinctual as when we were babies . And so the surer guide is to feel your way through, according to what your heart and your gut is telling you. The road to satisfaction is through your stomach. Here's a guided meditation to speed things up.
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Quote of the Week
" By this, your health improves, no doubt.   Also, your wealth improves.  How?  Because your attention becomes very sharp .  It becomes very concentrated.  And you exactly know what is to be done, where, what to do.  Automatically everything works out…because also you are connected to this all-pervading power, which is so powerful that you are looked after. "
Monday, October 28th , 1996, Cairo (Egypt)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Monday, 9 November 2020

Get This One Thing, And Everything Else Follows.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Achieve This One Goal, And All Your Other Goals Are Achieved Automatically.

According to Indian philosophy there are 4 goals of human life: Kama (love) , Artha (wealth), Dharma (purpose), Moksha ( spiritual liberation). 

The first 3 goals are relatable, because virtually the whole world and it's aunty and uncle are running after them . They're a version of what Abraham Maslow tried to show with his hierarchy of needs.

Kundalini awakening, which is the first step towards Moksha, seems to turn Maslow's hierarchy upside down, because, suddenly the first 3 goals start falling into place. How? See below.

Also below : a home remedy you should know about and a meditation for growing your own 'money tree' - sort of.


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If You Suspect You've Caught Covid ,Then Use This Remedy Straightaway.
 There's an unconfirmed report from a while back that the people in Wuhan gave up on going to the doctor's on catching covid. Instead, they would treat themselves at home with a range of 'traditional chinese medicine'. A remedy that seems to have spread far and wide is the 'face steam', with or without essential oils . Here's a 2 min demo.
Mp3 Meditation On Your Phone - Click To Download.
If there's one chakra especially that you have to look after in these times of economic pressures, then it's your nabhi chakra /stomach which is the centre of your prosperity and peace. The following is a powerful 'bija' (seed) meditation for your nabhi, that uses sanskrit 'japa' (repetition) which you'll be able to feel. With regular listening, it's the closest there is to growing your own money tree. 
Achieve This One Goal And All Your Other Goals Happen Automatically.
Maslow's Pyramid says that human needs are progressive: only after we've achieved a lower goal do we aspire to the next one up. The journey could be a life-time, with no guarantee of reaching the top. Here's how you can cut to the chase...
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Quote of the Week
 “When the yoga takes place, means when the Kundalini pierces through fontanelle bone area, [she] looks after your well-being.” 
Monday, October 27th , 1980, Caxton Hall, London (England)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Your Complexion, Voice & Eyes - Kundalini Rejuvenation


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Complexion, Voice, Eyes: How Your Kundalini Is Rejuvenating You.

In the ancient practice of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine, there was a branch of it dealing with restoring vitality and extending lifespan. This branch was called 'Rasayana' ('rasa' - essence; 'yana'-path). It involved the preparation of 'elixirs' from a combination of 'super' herbs, and was therefore a form of Indian alchemy.

In other ancient books on hatha yoga, the awakened kundalini was purported to lead to the same result. On the anecdotal evidence of the many thousands of people around the world daily practicing sahaja yoga meditation , many can vouch for the truth of that.

Also below: a guided meditation for getting out of difficulty and a free download of some scrumptious recipes from Shri Mataji's kitchen. Bon appetit !


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How To Breathe Underwater: A Guided Meditation For Dealing With Difficulty. When there are challenges coming at you from different directions, it can sometimes feel like you're drowning. Here is a little exercise to learn how to get comfortable in hostile environments. It's the first stage of 'Laya Yoga' - mastery through dissolution. 
Click For Free Download - Food For The Soul: Cook Book From Shri Mataji's Kitchen
Within the wealth of these 206 pages - illustrated with exquisite colour photographs - are dishes to satisfy any appetite. Included are : breads & rice, daal (pulses), meats & poultry, vegtables & salads, chutneys & sauces, desserts & snacks. Go for it!
Complexion,Voice, Eyes: How Your Kundalini Is Rejuvenating You. The first visible change with kundalini rising, is that the pupils of your eyes dilate giving your eyes a sparkling appearance. With daily practice of meditation, other changes begin to occur, shown on right (click image to expand), which are quickly noticed by friends & family. 
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Quote of the Week
"When the Kundalini rises, the person in whom the Kundalini rises, suddenly becomes Thoughtlessly Aware. He’s aware but there is no thought." 
Friday, February 28th 1992, Newcastle (Australia).
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)