Wednesday 5 February 2020

You're The Boss. Be Your Own Master.

Below:  1. Feeling lonely in a crowded place? Put your phone down. According to a Hollywood producer real connection only comes from making eye contact.   2. Popping the thought bubbles in your head - an ancient technique for achieving mental silence.   3. Borrowing your watch to tell you the time - why you don't need a life coach when you can become your own master.

Brian Grazer - Eye Contact.jpg

Neti Neti.jpg

Be Your Own Master.jpg

"OM, I’m neither the mind, Intelligence, ego nor chitta, Neither the ears nor the tongue, Nor the senses of smell and sight, Neither ether nor air, Nor fire nor water nor earth, I am eternal bliss and awareness.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!" - 
Quote from a reading(by Guido) of Tad Nishkala by Adi Shankaracharya at Guru Puja, Gmunden(Austria), 7th June 1986.

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