Wednesday 26 February 2020

How To Use The Power Of The Group.

Below:  1. Word on the street - everyone's feeling the same way you are and why that may be a good thing.  2. Twilight zone - some things are easier for you at dusk.  3. You need a bigger boat - the power of the group.

Overheard in London.jpg

Glory of Dusk.jpg

Power of Group.jpg

"But as Kundalini rose, she has crossed the Agyna chakra, and that is why you are in thoughtlessness. But after piercing the Brahmarandra (fontanelle bone area), you must keep her collected there. Because wherever you have problems, she will go there and help you and look after you. So how to raise her, tie her up all this should be learnt."  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 5th December 1984, Pune(India).

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