Wednesday 12 February 2020

Your Path To Joy - Getting What You Want.

Below:  1. Win-win : how a feeling of gratitude can reap it's own rewards.   2. Positive self-talk: a 9-minute guided meditation.  3. You want something? Then achieve it in yourself first.

Power Of Gratitude.jpg

Meditation with Affirmations.jpg

Joy Felt On Your Chakras.jpg

"We should be established within ourselves. We don’t have to go to Himalayas, we don’t have to do anything drastic. Remaining in this world you have to become the Absolute, the only – kevalam. There is nothing like “how” for it, you just become, you just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It’s all built in, within you. Allow it to work out." - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, 5th May 1985, Laxenbourg, Austria,

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