Wednesday, 26 February 2020

How To Use The Power Of The Group.

Below:  1. Word on the street - everyone's feeling the same way you are and why that may be a good thing.  2. Twilight zone - some things are easier for you at dusk.  3. You need a bigger boat - the power of the group.

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"But as Kundalini rose, she has crossed the Agyna chakra, and that is why you are in thoughtlessness. But after piercing the Brahmarandra (fontanelle bone area), you must keep her collected there. Because wherever you have problems, she will go there and help you and look after you. So how to raise her, tie her up all this should be learnt."  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 5th December 1984, Pune(India).

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Why Happiness Lies In Your Stomach.

Below:  1. Limiting thoughts : how the ability to achieve thoughtless awareness frees you.   2. Coffee, liver, attention and meditation.  3. Satisfaction guaranteed - a guided meditation on the nabhi chakra in your stomach.


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"...And when you are meditating like that, thoughtless awareness, then you’ll be amazed how you are helped from within and without." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 3rd November 2002, Los Angeles(USA).

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Your Path To Joy - Getting What You Want.

Below:  1. Win-win : how a feeling of gratitude can reap it's own rewards.   2. Positive self-talk: a 9-minute guided meditation.  3. You want something? Then achieve it in yourself first.

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"We should be established within ourselves. We don’t have to go to Himalayas, we don’t have to do anything drastic. Remaining in this world you have to become the Absolute, the only – kevalam. There is nothing like “how” for it, you just become, you just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It’s all built in, within you. Allow it to work out." - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, 5th May 1985, Laxenbourg, Austria,

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

You're The Boss. Be Your Own Master.

Below:  1. Feeling lonely in a crowded place? Put your phone down. According to a Hollywood producer real connection only comes from making eye contact.   2. Popping the thought bubbles in your head - an ancient technique for achieving mental silence.   3. Borrowing your watch to tell you the time - why you don't need a life coach when you can become your own master.

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"OM, I’m neither the mind, Intelligence, ego nor chitta, Neither the ears nor the tongue, Nor the senses of smell and sight, Neither ether nor air, Nor fire nor water nor earth, I am eternal bliss and awareness.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!" - 
Quote from a reading(by Guido) of Tad Nishkala by Adi Shankaracharya at Guru Puja, Gmunden(Austria), 7th June 1986.