Tuesday, 22 December 2020

How To Conquer Your Fears.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Conquer Your Fears.

Dear Friend,

As a kid, home alone, I used to watch horror films on TV from a safe position behind the sofa. That way, I could keep an eye on the door and get some forewarning if all hell broke loose, and the thing I was seeing on TV suddenly burst into the room. You may have used a similar strategy yourself when you were small.

But how many of us still hold on to imaginary fears as adults? There's definitely enough things to be insecure about : health, career, finances and personal matters . However, fears and insecurities can be unnecessarily debilitating, so it's best to get out of them. A simple solution is provided below.

Also below : eating anxiety-busters for breakfast and appreciating the sound of silence.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
What To Eat At Breakfast To Reduce Anxiety.
Pick the right mood food for breakfast and you could be laughing all the way to lunch time. Sliced avocado on some rustic bread with soft boiled eggs, packs enough brain nutrients to keep you energised and on an even keel; so do these 4 other favourites  ...here
The Sound Of Silence : A Guided Meditation.
Sit still for a moment and just listen. What do you hear? Maybe, a clock ticking; someone's front door shutting; footsteps clicking on pavement and  fading into the distance? Muffled conversation? Now listen out for the moments of silence in between the sounds. When you do this same exercise with your attention inwards, this is what happens... 
How To Conquer Your Fears.
 Fear of falling is a common dream motif , which usually symbolises some insecurity we have in real life. But, until London Bridge really does come tumbling down , fears are just that : fears, which is the play of imagination and the perspective we take about certain things . And, because fears can be self-fulfilling, the only thing to fear is fear itself. Here's how to get up and walk away from your fears..3 min
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Quote of the Week
"...the joy which has not duality. Joy does not have happiness and unhappiness. Happiness 
comes to us when our ego is pampered. 
Unhappiness comes to us when our ego is damped. It is something different. We are not our egos, we are our Self. And when Self enjoys something, it enjoys it. There is no remorse, there is no duality about it, there is no unhappiness. So joy is a complete thing. It cannot be described. It is just to be experienced, and enjoyed within ourselves.  "

Tuesday, June 22nd 1982, Public Program, Reading(England)

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

How To Let Go Of Your Worries.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Why Your Worries Are Over.

Dear Friend,

At a time of so much uncertainty, it's easy to fall into a pattern of worrying about everything. But worrying doesn't change anything and can be counter-productive. Not to worry is easier said than done of course. Or is it ? Below is how to let go of worry like letting air fizzle out of a balloon.

Also below, the care of your feet and how to solve problems without making the effort.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Health & Wellbeing Tip:  It's All In Your Feet.
If you've ever worn tight shoes, you know how uncomfortable that feels . It affects your whole body and even shows up on your face.. According to reflexology, by taking care of your feet you can enhance your overall health and wellbeing., so complementary to your daily meditation is the footspa treatment, demonstrated...here
Where Solutions Come From - Meditating With Purpose.
Are you finding it difficult to sustain a regular meditation practice? A very good way of motivating yourself is by using your meditation to solve problems. Many people have discovered that when they 'put' an issue they are facing into 'thoughtless awareness', things work out. Here's a guided meditation to help you do that...
Why Your Worries Are Over - Or Can Be.
You spend 2 hours and 28 minutes every day worrying about stuff . This, apparently, is the average for everybody , according to researchers, and in 91.39% of the cases the worry does NOT come true. So worrying is a waste of time . Here's how to break your worry habit and enjoy yourself at the same time ...3 min
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Quote of the Week
"This is the time for transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And within us is placed the power, as Tao has described, is the mystical feminine Power within us. All of them have described it, I’m not the first person to say that; but nobody has been able perhaps so far to understand it or to accept it, that it should happen to you. You are born not only to be human beings, but you have to be superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself. Your life should be enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a curse: morning till evening worried about this, worried about that. That is why you are created.  "
Saturday, July 14th 2001, Royal Albert Hall, London (UK)

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Rest Your Mind ; Your Brain Will Thank You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Switch Off A Busy Mind.

Dear Friend,

Proper rest and relaxation help support good mental, emotional and physical health. But if you're finding it difficult to do this because your mind is working over-time, due to stress or anxiety, then there's some simple self-care that will help with that, given below.

Also below: shout & scream - singing as therapy ; and the bright future you have ahead of you. 

Best wishes

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
In Da Club: How Singing To Yourself Can Relieve Anxiety & Lift Your Mood.
Keeping stuff bottled up inside does you no good. Whether it's frustration about something that you have no control over, or it's something else weighing on you, singing it out is going to make you feel much better. You just need to find that right track...here
Why Your Future Is Bright & You Need To Lean Into It.
Your future is bright and that applies to humanity as a whole ..so long as we choose the 'red pill'. 14,000 years ago an Indian Astrologer by the name of Acharya Bhujandar, described what a 'red pill' future world would look like. And the shoots of that future are starting to show now. Here's what he said...
How To Switch Off A Busy Mind: Guided Meditation.
You've been working at your laptop for most of the day - on zoom meetings; drafting that proposal and putting the finishing touches to tomorrow's client presentation. You're done now and close your laptop. But your head is still whirring and you can't relax. Solution? Soak your feet in cool to lukewarm water with a handful of course sea-salt in it while listening to this...10 min
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Quote of the Week
"Once this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centers which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. She corrects your physical side; She corrects your mental side.[...] So you cure yourself, you do the diagnosis; you know what’s the problem is, and you cure yourself. It’s so simple, that it is unbelievable that how you can cure yourself like this. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are most of them, are because of these centers going into jeopardy.  "
Thursday, October 13th 1993, National Institute Of Health, Washington DC (USA)

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

How To Get To Your Happy.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Path To Happiness Lies Through Your Stomach.

Dear Friend,

Warm and cozy surroundings, family/friends, shared meals, emotional and financial security, laughter , bright future: these may all be useful ingredients to the 'happy life' but if one or more of these are missing you can still forge a path to happiness by doing a bit of navel-gazing. Literally. 

Here's how : the navel is the location of your nabhi chakra and if you consider that a mother delivers all the nourishment and needs of the baby in her womb through the umbilical cord/ navel , it gives you some idea of it's psychic importance.

Given below is a guided meditation to stimulate your nabhi chakra and take you to where you want to be . First achieve within what you want to be achieved on the outside.

Also below : making better choices and ridding yourself of past emotional trauma.

Best wishes

Photo credits:
Anjelina Jolie By Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9054822

Scarlett Johansson By GabboT - https://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyshek/9725727751/, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30781493


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How To Make Better Choices When Life Is Like A Game Of Chess.
Missed chances, missed opportunities and wasted time and money are usually the result of making bad choices in life. To up your game and come out on top , you need to be looking after your hamsa chakra at the bridge of your nose . Here's a simple way of improving your hamsa ...3min 
Putting Your Past Behind You : Emotional Memory.
Being able to creatively tap into your emotional past may be useful if you want to deliver an oscar-winning performance, but otherwise it can be a drag and prevent you from growing into a better you. To rid yourself of any past emotional trauma, do this....9min
Path To Happiness Is Through Your Stomach: A Guided Meditation.
Your yoga body has 72,0000 'nadis' (subtle energy channels) radiating from navel (nabhi chakra) to the rest of your body and nourishing your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. By paying meditative attention to your nabhi and heart you can make your own happiness. Use this....20min
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Quote of the Week
"So our mind is jumping on the cusp of past and future on the thoughts all the time., but when this kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts and you become, again I say become ‘Thoughtlessly aware’. You are aware but thoughtless that is the present, Present is the reality…. not the past or the future. So you become one with reality. Thoughtlessly aware is the first state which we call in Sanskrit as ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’…Second state you achieve is called as ‘Doubtlessly aware’ meaning ‘Nirvikalpa  Samadhi’ where there is no thought, doubt in your mind, no doubt."
Monday , October 3rd 1994, New York (USA)