Your Path To Happiness Lies Through Your Stomach. Dear Friend,
Warm and cozy surroundings, family/friends, shared meals, emotional and financial security, laughter , bright future: these may all be useful ingredients to the 'happy life' but if one or more of these are missing you can still forge a path to happiness by doing a bit of navel-gazing. Literally.
Here's how : the navel is the location of your nabhi chakra and if you consider that a mother delivers all the nourishment and needs of the baby in her womb through the umbilical cord/ navel , it gives you some idea of it's psychic importance.
Given below is a guided meditation to stimulate your nabhi chakra and take you to where you want to be . First achieve within what you want to be achieved on the outside.
Also below : making better choices and ridding yourself of past emotional trauma.
Best wishes
Photo credits: Anjelina Jolie By Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Scarlett Johansson By GabboT -, CC BY-SA 2.0,