Thursday, 1 September 2016

Improve your mood and meditation with this 3-minute head massage.

​Dear All,
When you press your fingertips into your scalp, can you feel any pain point on your head? If you can, then give that point on your head a rub with your fingertip until the pain goes away.

This is the beginning of perhaps curing yourself of something with a simple 3-minute self-massage of the head. It also improves the quality of your meditation by helping your sahasrara chakra. You may also find that you can concentrate better, relax better and your mood is improved.
Check out this diagram:

The roots of your chakras are lined up along the middle of the head, front to back. Medically, this part of the head is called the corpus callosum, which is the thick bundle of nerves that join the left and right hemispheres of the brain and allow them to communicate. 

The corpus callosum has been found to be especially well-developed in musicians and people who are ambidextrous. And because it is the highest concentration of white matter in the body plays a big part in attention and arousal, which could be a good description of the relaxed but heightened state of awareness you want to get to in your meditation.

If you want to give yourself the full treatment, then get some coconut oil and do as they are doing in this clip demonstrating sahaja yoga head massage.
See at group meditation tomorrow.

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